CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2018/E1879 Student Generated Questions Added To Rubric

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The rubrics in expertiza are created by instructors. These Rubrics only contain questions that are related to the existed topics. Now, Expertiza only supports students to pull questionnaires is specific rubrics to get some help. Even that they can ask about anything that is relevant to all the projects that will be submitted But when students encounter difficult problems which are not in the existed topics, and they want to get special advice on that new field, the demand for creating supplementary review questionnaire raises. This project (E1879) aims to solve this problem by allowing students to add questions to the standard instructor generated rubric so that they can get specific feedback on from the reviewers.

Proposed solution

We will add the Supplementary Review Questions to the current Review Questions, and show these student-generated questions under the rubric given by instructor. Even though these questions won't be graded, they will eventually provide diversity for feedback. It will increase the benefit that each team gets because they can get feedback that is specific to their project.


Design Strategy

In Expertiza, all kinds of rubrics and surveys are subclasses of Questionnaire. A Questionnaire can contain “questions” of several types (e.g., checkboxes, dropdowns, text boxes). So that we will add a new subclass of Questionnaire named SupplementaryReviewQuestionnaire to achieve our goal.

First, we want the professor to control if the students can create their own supplementary questions by using a checkbox to indicate. If the professor allow students to create their own questions, there will be a button in the students "Your work" page which can let the students jump to the same page that an instructor lands on when creating a new rubric. Then we will add the questionnaire id of this new SupplementaryReviewQuestionnaire to the Team table when students create their own questionnaire in order to show the corresponding supplementary questions to the reviewers. And when showing review questions to the reviewers we will look up the questionnaire id in Team table and modify the view to add the supplementary questions to review page. Finally, after the reviewers finish the review and submit their responds, we will change the view and let the team member can see the feedback of their supplementary questions.

Changes in the User Interface

1. Assignment Page

We add a checkbox for the professor to indicate if student can add their own questions.

2. A button called "Create Supplementary Rubric" will appear in the student's "Your Work" section when the Instructor has allowed students to create supplementary review questions. So when a student clicks the button he/she can add the desired questions.

3. The page where student will be directed to when he/she clicks the Create Supplementary Rubric button. Students can add Questions to the created Supplementary Review questionnaire here.

4. Review Page

The students own supplementary questions are leading by a heading "Supplementary Review Questions".

5. Review Results Page

The supplementary review results will be showed to the team like other results.

Use Cases

1. Use case of creating a Supplementary Review Questionnaire

2. Use case of reviewing questions for reviewers.

3. Use case of reviewing responses of questions.

Test Plan

Actually, we need to add tests for the following:

1. To check the link for "Supplementary Review Questionnaire" appears in the "Your Work" section of a student.

2. To check if the link for "Supplementary Review Questionnaire" redirects to page which allows to create questionnaire.

3. To check if the questionnaire ID is stored in the Team table.

4. To check if the reviewers can see the supplementary questions that were added by the team as part of the review questions.

5. To check if the responses of the Supplementary Review Questions have been added to the responses of the existing review questions.

File which are added/modified

1. Models



2. Viewers:




3. Controllers:


  # Prepare the parameters when student clicks "Edit"
  def edit
    if @prev.present?
      @sorted = @review_scores.sort {|m1, m2| m1.version_num.to_i && m2.version_num.to_i ? m2.version_num.to_i <=> m1.version_num.to_i : (m1.version_num ? -1 : 1) }
      @largest_version_num = @sorted[0]
    @modified_object = @response.response_id
    # set more handy variables for the view
    @review_scores = []
    @questions.each do |question|
      @review_scores << Answer.where(response_id: @response.response_id, question_id:

    @supplementary_review_questions.each do |question|
      @review_scores << Answer.where(response_id: @response.response_id, question_id:

    @questionnaire = set_questionnaire
    render action: 'response'

  # Update the response and answers when student "edit" existing response
  def update
    render nothing: true unless action_allowed?
    # the response to be updated
    @response = Response.find(params[:id])
    msg = ""
      @map =
      @response.update_attribute('additional_comment', params[:review][:comments])

      questions = sort_questions(@questionnaire.questions)
      supplementary_review_questions = sort_questions(@supplementary_review_questionnaire.questions)
      unless @supplementary_review_questionnaire.nil?
        questions += supplementary_review_questions
      create_answers(params, questions) unless params[:responses].nil?

      @response.update_attribute('is_submitted', true) if params['isSubmit'] && params['isSubmit'] == 'Yes'
      @response.notify_instructor_on_difference if (@map.is_a? ReviewResponseMap) && @response.is_submitted && @response.significant_difference?
    rescue StandardError
      msg = "Your response was not saved. Cause:189 #{$ERROR_INFO}"
    end, session[:user].name, "Your response was submitted: #{@response.is_submitted}", request)
    redirect_to controller: 'response', action: 'save', id: @map.map_id,
                return: params[:return], msg: msg, review: params[:review], save_options: params[:save_options]

 def create
    map_id = params[:id]
    map_id = params[:map_id] unless params[:map_id].nil? # pass map_id as a hidden field in the review form
    @map = ResponseMap.find(map_id)
    @team_id = @map.reviewee_id

    if params[:review][:questionnaire_id]
      @questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(params[:review][:questionnaire_id])
      @round = params[:review][:round]
      @supplementary_review_questionnaire_id = Team.get_supplementary_review_questionnaire_id_of_team(@team_id)
      unless @supplementary_review_questionnaire_id.nil?
        @supplementary_review_questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(@supplementary_review_questionnaire_id)
      @round = nil
    is_submitted = (params[:isSubmit] == 'Yes')
    was_submitted = false
    @response = Response.where(map_id:, round: @round.to_i).first
    if @response.nil?
      @response = Response.create(
        additional_comment: params[:review][:comments],
        round: @round.to_i,
        is_submitted: is_submitted
    was_submitted = @response.is_submitted
    @response.update(additional_comment: params[:review][:comments], is_submitted: is_submitted) # ignore if autoupdate try to save when the response object is not yet created.

    # ,:version_num=>@version)
    # Change the order for displaying questions for editing response views.
    questions = sort_questions(@questionnaire.questions)

    unless @supplementary_review_questionnaire.nil?
      supplementary_review_questions = sort_questions(@supplementary_review_questionnaire.questions)
      questions += supplementary_review_questions

    create_answers(params, questions) if params[:responses]
    msg = "Your response was successfully saved."
    error_msg = ""
    # only notify if is_submitted changes from false to true
    if (@map.is_a? ReviewResponseMap) && (was_submitted == false && @response.is_submitted) && @response.significant_difference?
    redirect_to controller: 'response', action: 'save', id: @map.map_id,
                return: params[:return], msg: msg, error_msg: error_msg, review: params[:review], save_options: params[:save_options]

  # new_response if a flag parameter indicating that if user is requesting a new rubric to fill
  # if true: we figure out which questionnaire to use based on current time and records in assignment_questionnaires table
  # e.g. student click "Begin" or "Update" to start filling out a rubric for others' work
  # if false: we figure out which questionnaire to display base on @response object
  # e.g. student click "Edit" or "View"
  def set_content(new_response = false)
    @title = @map.get_title
    if @map.survey?
      @survey_parent = @map.survey_parent
      @assignment = @map.assignment
    @participant = @map.reviewer
    @contributor = @map.contributor
    new_response ? set_questionnaire_for_new_response : set_questionnaire
    @questions = sort_questions(@questionnaire.questions)

    unless @supplementary_review_questionnaire.nil?
      @supplementary_review_questions = sort_questions(@supplementary_review_questionnaire.questions)

    @min = @questionnaire.min_question_score
    @max = @questionnaire.max_question_score

  def set_questionnaire_for_new_response
    case @map.type
    when "ReviewResponseMap", "SelfReviewResponseMap"
      reviewees_topic = SignedUpTeam.topic_id_by_team_id(
      @current_round = @assignment.number_of_current_round(reviewees_topic)
      @questionnaire = @map.questionnaire(@current_round)

      @supplementary_review_questionnaire_id = Team.get_supplementary_review_questionnaire_id_of_team(
      unless @supplementary_review_questionnaire_id.nil?
        @supplementary_review_questionnaire = Questionnaire.find(@supplementary_review_questionnaire_id)

      @questionnaire = @map.questionnaire

  def set_questionnaire
    # if user is not filling a new rubric, the @response object should be available.
    # we can find the questionnaire from the question_id in answers
    answer = @response.scores.first
    @questionnaire = @response.questionnaire_by_answer(answer)

    supplementary_review_answer = @response.scores.last
    @supplementary_review_questionnaire = @response.questionnaire_by_answer(supplementary_review_answer)




4. Config:


  resources :questionnaires, only: %i[new create edit update] do
    collection do
      get :copy
      get :list
      post :list_questionnaires
      get :new_quiz
      get :select_questionnaire_type
      post :select_questionnaire_type
      get :toggle_access
      get :view
      post :create_quiz_questionnaire
      post :update_quiz
      post :add_new_questions
      post :save_all_questions
      post :create_supplementary_review_questionnaire

  resources :author_feedback_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :review_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :metareview_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :teammate_review_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :survey_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :assignment_survey_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :global_survey_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :course_survey_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :bookmarkrating_questionnaires, controller: :questionnaires
  resources :supplementary_review_questionnaire, controller: :questionnaires

Team members

Yanchen Zhao

Pingping Chen

Jianshu Zhang

Zirun Han


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