CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2018/E1849 Write Unit Tests for vm question response.rb

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VMQuestionResponse in Brief

This class acquires reviews from a given questionnaire and assignment, and creates a heat map visualization of the review scores a reviewee received from other people (reviewers) for an assignment.

Problem Statement

There are currently no test cases for vm_question_response.rb. We seek to create unit tests to attain at least 90% coverage by line.


Matt Leader (

Jonathan Gill (

Files Involved



Testing Plan

Testing Strategy: Unit Test

Testing VMQuestionResponse hinges upon collaboration verification, so that we know VMQuestionResponse is getting the right messages from the right classes, so that it can appropriately create its data structures.

We first went through each method of the VMQuestionResponse class and determined whether the method was a command, or query and whether the method was incoming, outgoing, or sent-to-self. For each method we will write tests for valid and invalid inputs as well as edge cases.

Here is an outline of our implementation strategy:

describe VMQuestionResponse do

 context 'when initialized with a valid assignment questionnaire'

  it 'adds reviews'

  context 'when given a team'

   it 'displays the members of the team'

  context 'when given a list of valid questions'

   it 'can calculate the max score for the questionnaire'

  it 'has the round value of the given questionnaire'

 context 'is initialized with an AuthorFeedbackQuestionnaire'

  it 'adds reviews'

  it 'adds answers'

  it 'get the number of comments greater than 10 words'

 context 'is initialized with a TeammateReviewQuestionnair'

  it 'adds reviews'

 context 'is initialized with a MetaReviewQuesionnaire'

  it 'adds reviews'

Testing Implementation

   it 'adds reviews' do

     allow(ReviewResponseMap).to receive_messages(:get_assessments_for => [review], :find => mapping)

     allow(Participant).to receive_messages(:find => ppnt1)

     vm_rsp.add_reviews(ppnt0, team, false)

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews.size).to eq 1

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviewers.size).to eq 1

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews).to eq [review]


This code tests that the add_reviews method works when VMQuestionResponse has been initialized with @questionnaire_type = "ReviewQuestionnaire"

   context 'when given a team' do

     it 'displays the members of the team' do

       team = double('team')

       ppnt2 = double('ppnt2')

       allow(ppnt2).to receive_messages :fullname => 'R'

       team_member_names = [ppnt0, ppnt1, ppnt2]

       allow(team).to receive_messages(:participants => team_member_names)

       out = 'Team members:'


       team.participants.each do |participant|

         out = out + " (" + participant.fullname + ") "


       expect(vm_rsp.display_team_members).to eq out



This code tests that when VMQuestionResponse is initialized with a team the team members can be displayed

   context 'when given a list of valid questions' do

     let(:qs) { qs = { question2 } }

     it 'can calculate the max score for the questionnaire' do

       vm_rsp.add_questions qs

       expect(vm_rsp.max_score).to eq 5

       expect(vm_rsp.list_of_rows.size).to eq 1

       expect(vm_rsp.max_score_for_questionnaire()).to eq qs.size * rq.max_question_score



This code tests VMQuestionResponse knows the max score for the questionnaire.

   it 'has the round value of the given questionnaire' do

     expect(vm_rsp.round).to eq 1


This code checks that VMQuestionResponse knows the value of @round for the given questionnaire.

 context 'is initialized with an AuthorFeedbackQuestionnaire' do

   [mock setup omitted for brevity]

   it 'adds reviews' do

     # review = double('review1')

     # review.stub(:map_id => 1, :response_id => 1)

     # allow(review).to receive_messages(:map_id => 1)

     # ppnt0 = double('ppnt0') 

     # allow(ppnt0).to receive_messages(:feedback => [review])

     # ppnt1 = double('ppnt1')

     # allow(ppnt1).to receive_messages(:fullname => 'Python')

     # mapping = double

     # allow(mapping).to receive_messages(:first => mapping, :reviewer_id => 2)

     # allow(FeedbackResponseMap).to receive_messages(:where => mapping)

     # allow(Participant).to receive_messages(:find => ppnt1)

     # vm_rsp.add_questions qs

     # vm_rsp.add_reviews(ppnt0, , false)

     # expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews.size).to eq 1

     # expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviewers.size).to eq 1

     # expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews).to eq [ppnt1]


   it 'adds answers' do

     allow(FeedbackResponseMap).to receive_messages(:where => mapping)

     allow(Participant).to receive_messages(:find => ppnt1)

     allow(Answer).to receive_messages(:where => [ans])

     allow(TagPromptDeployment).to receive_messages(:where => [tag_dep])

     allow(Question).to receive_messages(:find => question2)

     allow(TagPrompt).to receive_messages(:find => true)

     allow(VmTagPromptAnswer).to receive_messages(:new => )

     allow(VmQuestionResponseScoreCell).to receive_messages(:new => )

     vm_rsp.add_questions qs

     vm_rsp.add_reviews(ppnt0, , false)


   it 'gets the number of comments greater than 10 words' do

     allow(FeedbackResponseMap).to receive_messages(:where => mapping)

     allow(Participant).to receive_messages(:find => ppnt1)

     allow(Answer).to receive_messages(:where => [ans])

     allow(TagPromptDeployment).to receive_messages(:where => [tag_dep])

     allow(Question).to receive_messages(:find => question2)

     allow(TagPrompt).to receive_messages(:find => true)

     allow(VmTagPromptAnswer).to receive_messages(:new => )

     allow(VmQuestionResponseScoreCell).to receive_messages(:new => )


     row = double('row')

     allow(row).to receive_messages(:countofcomments => 7, :question_id => 2,

       :question_max_score => 5, :score_row => [3])

     allow(VmQuestionResponseRow).to receive_messages(:new => row)

     vm_rsp.add_questions qs

     vm_rsp.add_reviews(ppnt0, , false)

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_rows.size).to eq 1


     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_rows[0].countofcomments).to eq 7



The above tests cover the scenario in which VMQuestionResponse is initialized with @questionnaire_type = "AuthorFeedbackQuestionnaire". We check that VMQuestionResponse can add revews, add answers, and retrieve the number of comments greater than 10 words in length. Here the test for add_reviews is commented out because it is still being developed.

 context 'is initialized with an TeammateReviewQuestionnaire' do

   let(:tmrq) { create(:questionnaire, name: "TeammateReviewQuestionnaire",

                       type: 'TeammateReviewQuestionnaire') }

   let(:vm_rsp) { tmrq, assignment, 1 ) }

   let(:question2) { create(:question, questionnaire: tmrq, weight: 2, id: 2, type: 'good') }

   let(:qs) { qs = { question2 } }

   it 'adds reviews' do

     allow(TeammateReviewResponseMap).to receive_messages(:where => mapping)

     allow(Participant).to receive_messages(:find => ppnt1)

     vm_rsp.add_questions qs

     vm_rsp.add_reviews(ppnt0, , false)

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews.size).to eq 1

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviewers.size).to eq 1

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews).to eq [review]



This code checks that we can add reviews when VMQuestionResponse is initialized with @questionnaire_type = "TeammateReviewQuestionnaire".

 context 'is initialized with an MetareviewQuestionnaire' do

   let(:mrq) { create(:questionnaire, name: "MetareviewQuestionnaire", type: 'MetareviewQuestionnaire') }

   let(:question2) { create(:question, questionnaire: mrq, weight: 2, id: 2, type: 'good') }

   let(:qs) { qs = { question2 } }

   let(:vm_rsp) { mrq, assignment, 1 ) }

   it 'adds reviews' do

     allow(MetareviewResponseMap).to receive_messages(:where => mapping)

     allow(Participant).to receive_messages(:find => ppnt1)

     vm_rsp.add_questions qs

     vm_rsp.add_reviews(ppnt0, , false)

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews.size).to eq 1

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviewers.size).to eq 1

     expect(vm_rsp.list_of_reviews).to eq [review]



This code checks that we can add reviews when VMQuestionResponse is initialized with @questionnaire_type = "MetaReviewQuestionnaire".


We have now attained 91% coverage.

