CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2017/E17A6. Fix account creation over web to work reasonably

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Problem Statement

Request account function is currently not working properly. A new user who tries to request an expertiza account can do so, but the instructor can see yet has no power to approve any request. The approval process is currently done manually, which is cumbersome. Our mission is to fix the request account functionality so that whoever request for a new accounts can be approved by instructor clicking an button and optimize the functionality to improve user experience.

Task Specifications

1. Add institution <br\> -A registering user should be able to choose their institution from a drop-down menu, but they should also be able to add an institution if they couldn't found one. <br\> -The new institution should be saved as a new record into the institution table<br\> -New account request should be saved to requested_users table with correct institution id.<br\> 2.superadmin, admin should be able to approve/decline requests<br\> -add a new drop-down item under “Administration > Show…” so requests can be visually displayed and handled<br\> -enable the "approve" function for admin and superadmin<br\> -make clickable user email address so a conversation is possible<br\> -an email should be sent when a request is approved or declined<br\> -all record should be kept on the page even it has been handled<br\>