CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2017/E17A4 Allow calibration to be part of an assignment

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Revision as of 00:49, 6 November 2017 by Vsreeni (talk | contribs)
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This wiki page describes the changes made according to the specification of E17A4 final project assignment for Fall 2017.

Peer Review Information

For testing the changes made, the following credentials are recommended:

  • Instructor Login: username: instructor6 password: password

This project does compile. Reviewers can refer Testing Plan: Testing from the UI and the YouTube link for navigation help.

The testing plan is at the end of this document. Design principles were not needed since we mostly modified existing work.


Expertiza is a web portal which can be used to manage assignments related to a course. It provides a platform to view assignments, manage teams, select topics and work improvement through anonymous peer reviews.

Problem Statement

At present, the instructor is able to calibrate the students’ peer review abilities on Expertiza by creating a separate assignment for this purpose. In this separate assignment that the instructor creates, the student and the instructor will simultaneously do peer review for the project. After submission of the reviews, the student's and instructor's reviews are compared and a calibration report is generated for the student to view and improve their peer reviewing skills.

Currently, the instructor is able to calibrate the students’ peer review abilities on Expertiza. But s/he needs to create a separate assignment just for calibration purpose. Ideally, calibration should become one part of the normal assignment. The instructor could turn on this feature if necessary. Currently, the functionality of calibration works well. In assignments/edit page, when instructor checks “Calibration for training?” and save the assignment. There will be an extra tab appear named “Calibration”. At this time, the instructor needs to add several sample assignments (right now instructor needs to impersonate several students to submit sample assignments) and do expert review beforehand. After that instructor could set the due dates to review. Then, students could start working on calibration. During the calibration period, students will be pre-assign several sample assignments. And after students finish one peer review. There will be a link named “Show calibration results” to show the calibration report.