CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016 E1679 Let experts as well as students do reviews

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E1679. Let experts as well as students do reviews


Currently, the functionality of calibration is limited. It does not support varying-rubric-by-round feature. And for student side, there is no way to notify for an author to tell that a particular review that they received was submitted by an expert. Moreover,if an expert (instructor or TA) has reviewed an assignment, the students should be able to see how that expert rated the assignment, just like they can see calibration results for calibrated assignments by clicking on the “Show calibration results” link.

Current Implemetation

Snapshots of what is currently implemented:

1.Log in as instructor6 and edit an assignment.

2.In “General” tab, check the box of “Calibration for training” and save the change, then “Calibration” tab will be shown.

3.Go to “Calibration” tab and the a list of student works will be given and the instructor can select one of them to begin a calibration review.

4.The review rubrics for calibration is the same as student reviewing and the instructor can make his own review.

5.After the instructor submitted his review, the student can see the detail of this review in his “score” section. But currently, there’s no way to distinguish student reviews and expert reviews. In addition, the instructors cannot implement a multi-round review and vary the rubrics for different review rounds.