CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2016/E1688. Send feedback to support + tree display improvement

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Revision as of 16:03, 9 November 2016 by Vbhat (talk | contribs) (Introduction Added)
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Expertiza provides the functionality of peer reviews. The best advantage of peer review for the students is that it allows them to learn from each other work. In order to help them to do this, we have to be able to track the time that students spend observing the other's work. Unfortunately, most peer assessment systems do not manage the content of students’ submission within the systems. They usually allow the authors submit external links to the submission, which makes it difficult for the system to track the time that the reviewers spend on the submissions. The purpose of the project is to be able to successfully track the time that each student spends on peer reviewing the work.

What needs to be done