CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/ch1a 4 wl

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Lift Web Framework


  1. LiftCore: This is the web processor of the framework which handles the following functions.
    1. Request/Response
    2. Rendering Pipeline
    3. Invoking User Functions
  2. LiftRules : Lift Configuration
  3. LiftSession: Inherent Session State.
  4. S: stateful context for request/response lifecycle.
  5. SiteMap: contains web pages for the lift application.
  6. SHtml: helper functions for XHtml.
  7. Views: Views as XML content. Allows composing views from not only html files but other contexts too.
  8. LiftResponse: Abstraction of response sent to the client.
  9. Comet: allows sending asynchronous content to browser.
  10. ORM: A specialized library.
  11. HTTP Auth: provides control over authentication model.
  12. JS API: JavaScript abstraction layer.<ref name=explore>Exploring Lift Framework</ref>

Getting Started

Set Up on Eclipse

  1. Download “Scala IDE for Eclipse” :
  2. Install plugin in Eclipse from this update site :
  3. Once the plugin is installed restart Eclipse
  4. Install sbteclipse by adding the following to projects/plugins.sbt in your Lift Project: addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbteclipse" % "sbteclipse-plugin" % "2.5.0")
  5. You can then create Eclipse project files (.project and .classpath) by entering the following into the SBT prompt: eclipse <ref name=cookbook>The Lift Cookbook</ref>

Basic Web Application Structure

Step 1: Making a SiteMap entry

Every page on the site needs a SiteMap entry.

def sitemap(): SiteMap = SiteMap(
  Menu("Home") / "index",
  Menu("Second Page") / "second"

Step 2: Creating the view

Create an HTML file that corresponds to the sitemap entry.

<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">
    <div id="main" class="lift:surround?with=default&at=content">
        Hi, I'm a page that contains the time:
        <span class="lift:TimeNow">??? some time</span>.

        And a button: <button class="lift:ClickMe">Click Me</button>.

Step 3 : Creating the Snippet

A snippet can be thought of as a controller which has rules for transforming the section of your template.

package code
package snippet

import net.liftweb._
import util._
import Helpers._

object TimeNow {
  def render = "* *" #> now.toString

<ref name=simplylift>Simply Lift</ref>


  1. Built on Scala which is a powerful functional language.
  2. Multiple Component support : Divides the controls into snippets which can be used together on a single page thereby not coupling a page with a controller.
  3. CSS Binding : allows to navigate the HTML Dom tree.
  4. Native Javascript/Ajax Support
  5. Out-of-box Security.
  6. Lazy Loading & Parallel Page rendering : Lift shows automatic spinners on area still being loaded, components are able to load over multiple thread at the same time.<ref name=benefits>Why Lift Webframework is my favorite.</ref>


  1. Lots of state kept in session.
  2. Learning Curve as no more MVC.

<ref name=quora>Comparison on Quora</ref>

