CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch2b 1w61 ps

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Facade, directory of sites


GoF definition for facade design pattern is, "Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade Pattern defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use."

Directory of Sites

1. Facade pattern (Wikipedia)

2. Design Patterns Uncovered: The Facade Pattern

3. SourceMaking : Facade Design Pattern

4. Thecafetechno : Facade Design Pattern

5. Facade design pattern

Video tutorials on Facade pattern

1. JAVA: Facade Design Pattern

This video talks about the Facade design pattern along with the UML diagram and facade pattern implementation examples from the JDK. It also talks about the advantages and the scenarios in which this pattern can be used.

2. Facade pattern

This video explains the Facade pattern in detail along with a walk through of the code example. The link to the code is also provided in the video description.


