CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch1b 1w67 ks

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A brief introduction to your article. The table of contents, which is generated automatically, will show up just below this introduction.


Redirection in ruby refers to the where a user is redirected from one page to another.As the http requests are stateless, hence this leads to losing all the state that we had before. Thus Rails provides a hash called Flash such that it persists until the end of the next request received. Also there is a session hash, which unlike flash persists forever. <ref></ref>.

For information on how to format the text of your article, create tables, and use section headings and references, see this article.

Flash in Ruby

Flash in ruby helps to remember the state until the end of the next request. It is basically used to store error messages as warnings and information as notice in the hash. This is used in views to print the error messages or notice. Instead of notice or warnings, we can define user defined hash and print its value in the view as we did for the notice and warnings. Basically it helps in flashing messages on the views.

Session in Ruby

In Ruby session persists forever and is stored in the browser cookies by default. The session data can thus be deleted by clearing content of the cookies. Session is useful when we have to remember the state for a long time. Examples include Authentication where the user enters its login id and password that needs to be available for the whole session that the user is logged in. There are some alternative storage modes for session such as Storage table or No SQL data structure.

Development of the concept your article describes can be created in sections and subsections.

Various uses of Session/Flash

Create as many sections and subsections as necessary to support your article.


This is a subsection of section 1. Obviously, you name each of your sections and subsections as appropriate for your article.


Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!


Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!


This is a subsection of section 1. Obviously, you name each of your sections and subsections as appropriate for your article.


Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!

Difference between Session and Flash

Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!


Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!

Session, Advantages

This is a subsection of section 1. Obviously, you name each of your sections and subsections as appropriate for your article.

Session, Disadvantages

Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!

Flash, Advantages

This is a subsection of section 1. Obviously, you name each of your sections and subsections as appropriate for your article.

Flash, Disadvantages

Like an outline, you shouldn't have a single section or subsection. Your subsections can go many levels deep!


Articles generally end with a conclusion or summary section.


For any definitions where you don't have inline hypertext links to the definition you can place the definition of those terms here.


Your references go here. You should allow the WIKI to create your references list automatically by using inline citations.

<references />