CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch1b 1w63 dv

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Active Records


The Active Record pattern is a Design pattern in Software Engineering which deals with the approach to store and access data in a database. The interface of an object conforming to this pattern would contain functions to perform operations like Insert, Read, Update, and Delete. The Object will have properties that correspond to the columns in the underlying database table. This pattern is realised through ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) libraries in Programming languages.

ActiveRecord is a module for Ruby that can be used for ORM. Thus, it is obvious that ActiveRecord will form a part of the Model in an MVC application developed in Ruby. The rest of the article discusses ActiveRecord that is the Ruby module for implementing the Active Record pattern.

The ActiveRecord module insulates the developer from the need to use SQL in most cases. Internally, It will perform queries on the database which corresponds to the method invoked on the object. This module is compatible with most database systems (most used ones like MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite). Moreover, regardless of which database system the developer uses, the Active Record method format always remains the same.


The ActiveRecord module uses a convention for naming classes, tables and fields so that the amount of configuration needed to get the functionality working is minimal. There are naming conventions on file naming, class naming, table naming etc.

Reserved names and Attributes

Certain names are reserved and should not be used (even in the model as attributes). Some of them are listed below:

  • lock_version.
  • type - This is only used when you have single table inheritance and must contain a class name.
  • id - Reserved for primary keys.
  • table_name_count - Reserved for counter cache.
  • position - Reserved for acts_as_list.
  • parent_id - Reserved for acts_as_tree.
  • lft - Reserved for acts_as_nested_set.
  • rgt - Reserved for acts_as_nested_set.
  • quote - Method in ActiveRecord::Base which is used to quote SQL.
  • template.

Class Naming

ActiveRecord classes are named in singular form. e.g User

Table Naming

Tables for ActiveRecord objects are named in plural form by default. e.g. Users This naming convention can be circumvented by using below:

a) Set use_pluralization In the environment.rb file we can specify

  ActiveRecord::Base.use_pluralization = false. 

This will disable pluralization for all ActiveRecord objects.

b.) Use set_table_name You can call set_table_name to specify a custom table name for a particular model. For example:

 class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   set_table_name 'user'


CRUD stands for 'Create', 'Read' , 'Update' and 'Delete'. These are the four basic operations which are generally performed on tables in a database. The ActiveRecord module provides predefined methods for the basic CRUD operations for the model.

3.1 Create

A new record can be created in the table by invoking the “save” function on the model object whose record has to be created in the database. ActiveRecord will use the Object's attributes as the field values for the record. The data is not persisted in the database until we call the save function.

  @user = = “abc”
  @user.age = 23      #returns a boolean indicating whether the save was successful or not (whether a new record was created or not)

ActiveRecord provides another convinient way to create a new record without creating instantiating the model explicitly and then using “save”. To do this, we use the 'create' function. By default the primary key used in the table is “id” which is generated automatically.

  User.create(:name=>”xyz”, :age=”23”)

3.2 Read

A record can be read from the table by using the various functions like “find” (find the model record by specifying a value used in its primary key), “where”, “all” , “first” and “last”. All these functions instantiate a new Object for the model and populate its attributes using the fields of the record.

  @user_first = User.first #Finds and returns the 1st User from the table
  @user_last = User.last #Finds and returns the Last User from the table
  @all_users = User.all # Returns all the Users from the table
  @my_user = User.find(5) #Finds and returns the record from the users table whose id = 5
  @my_other_user = User.where(:name=>”abc”) #Finds and returns the user whose “name” is “abc” .

Dynamic Finders

Some of the most common searchs performed on databases are to return the rows where a column matches a given value. In many other languages and frameworks, we would generally need to construct SQL queries to perform these searches. ActiveRecord uses Ruby’s dynamic power to do this for us. [edit] Connecting to the Database For example, our User model has attributes such as name and age. We can use these names in finder methods to return rows where the corresponding columns match some value:

  @my_user = User.find_by_name(“abc”)
  @my_user = User.find_by_age(15)

3.3 Update

A record in the table corresponding to a given model instance can be Updated by using the function “save”.

  @my_user = User.find(5) #Finds and returns the record from the users table whose id = 5 = “test”

Moreover, we can combine the functions of reading a row and updating it using the class methods update and update_all. The update method takes an id parameter and a set of attributes. It fetches the corresponding row, updates the given attributes, saves the result to the database, and returns the model object.

  @my_user = User.update(1, :name=”test3”)
  @result = User.update_all(“age= age+1”)

3.4 Delete

A record can be deleted from the table by invoking the “destroy” functionality on the instance of the object. The destroy instance method deletes from the database the row corresponding to a particular model object. It then freezes the contents of that object, preventing future changes to the attributes.

  @my_user = User.find(5) #Finds and returns the record from the users table whose id = 5
  @my_user.destroy # deletes the record corresponding to the user with id = 5 from the table
  # ... my_user is now frozen

It also has two class-level methods, delete and delete_all. The delete method takes a single id or an array of ids and deletes the corresponding row(s) in the underlying table. delete_all deletes rows matching a given condition.

  User.delete_all(["age < ?" , 18])

The “delete” methods bypass the ActiveRecord callback and validation functions that may be defined for the model class, while the “destroy” methods ensure that they are all invoked. Hence, it is better to use the “destroy” methods as it ensures that our database is as per the business rules defined in the model.

Connecting to the Database

The ActiveRecord connection adapter wraps and abstracts away the underlying database-specific driver, and provides a common interface for database tasks such as creating and destroying databases, creating and modifying tables, inserting, updating, and deleting data, running queries, and managing transactions. Normally, the connection adapter is used internally by ActiveRecord, but can be accessed yourself if you want to talk to the database directly without using ActiveRecord “models.”

To obtain a connection adapter object, simply call the connection method on your ActiveRecord class or any ActiveRecord object:

 connection = User.connection
 obj = User.find(1)
 connection = obj.connection

In most Rails applications, you talk to just one database, as defined in the database.yml file. For such an application, every ActiveRecord class, including ActiveRecord::Base, will give you the same connection. So in those cases, it doesn’t matter which class you use. However, if the Rails application connects to a secondary database for some ActiveRecord classes (using the establish_connection method) then those classes will yield a connection object pointing at the secondary database. In those cases, you will need to pay attention to which database you need to talk to, and ask for a connection from the right class.

Each connection adapter object represents a single connection to a database. Rails generally opens several connections at once and manages them in a connection pool. When a task needs a database connection, it checks one out of the pool; when it finishes, it checks the connection back in so that the next task can use it. Connections can run only one SQL statement at a time, so generally one connection is opened per thread.


Migrations help to version the various changes made to databases. It also allow developers to track a set of changes made to production or development databases and to rollback to a previous version if needed.

Building a Migration

You can either build the migration on its own using

ruby script/generate migration User

Specific commands can be written afterwards to create custom SQL. A model can also be created that comes with the migration.

ruby script/generate model User name:string user_id:integer

The migration will generate a couple of new files under the "db" directory. A typical file looks as follows:

 # 9889904091223123_create_user.rb
 class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def self.up
     create_table :users do |t|
       t.string :name
       t.integer :user_id
   def self.down
     drop_table :users