CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch1 1w31 sa

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Closures and Methods:


This article helps in understanding the concepts of Closures and Methods and also provides a comparison between the two.

In Statically typed languages, methods (also known as procedures or functions) are a set of instructions that perform a specific task. The main objective of methods is to provide reusability of code. Methods can be used to retrieve the state of an object i.e. object’s instance variables. Existence for methods is tied to life time of Objects to which they belong. But many a times there are certain problem domains, where methods are not enough to provide a flexible, elegant implementation and we need the state of a variable to persist even when it is not in the scope of currently running method. One such elegant mechanism which comes out handy in situations as such is Closure.

Closures are blocks of code that can be passed around like objects, which have the property that they are "bound" to the context (or state of the program) in which they were created and therefore are not dependent on the presence of object or functions which created it.


A Method is a Subroutine (or Procedure or Function) in a class that defines the behaviour exhibited by the associated Class instances at runtime. Methods defined within a Class are bound to the class either by Static or Dynamic binding.

Following is a Ruby example that shows how methods can be used to statically bind to the state of an object:

class Account
 def initialize(default)
   @balance = default
 def get_balance
 def set_balance(value)
   @balance = value

account1 =
puts account1.get_balance  #prints 100
puts account1.get_balance  #prints 200

Here the methods are statically bound to the object account1 and have access to its state as long as this object is in existence.

Different types of methods

Instance methods Instance methods are the methods which are bound to objects of the class i.e. there creation depends on creation of object. Instance methods can access instance variables and instance methods directly. Instance methods can also access class variables and class methods directly. Static methods These are also known as Class methods as they belong to the whole class and not a instances or objects in the class. We need these methods if we don’t want a particular functionality to be dependent on creation of objects. Class methods can access class variables and class methods directly. Class methods cannot access instance variables or instance methods directly i.e. they must use an object reference. Also, class methods cannot use this keyword as there is no instance for this to refer to. For Ex :- In Java we have a method public static void main(Strings args[]) This method is where the interpreter starts reading the code and this is a static method because this is the first method that is called when we try to execute the class and at that time there are no objects created. Accessor methods Accessor methods are a instance method with the aim to get or set the value of instance variables. Object oriented languages provide the way to hide the instance variables associated with object to outside world by means of encapsulation i.e. marking the instance variables private. So any object can’t access the instance variables of a class directly, this is where accessor methods come into picture. They are the methods through which an object can access the instance variables and we can define some rules in these methods which should be fulfilled in order to set or get these variables. Example: In following Java class weight is an instance variable and is marked private so that any object can’t directly set its value to some incorrect state. Like weight can’t be negative.

Class Person
    private int weight;
    public int getWeight()
    public int setWeight(weight)
        if(weight < 0)
             // Some error
             this.weight = weight;


A closure is a computer science concept which can be seen in different web programming languages such as JavaScript, Ruby, ActionScript 3.0 and newer versions of PHP.

A closure is basically a method/function that has the following two properties:

  • We can pass it around like an object (to be called later)
  • It remembers the values of all the variables that were in scope when the function was created. It is then able to access those variables when it is called even though they may no longer be in scope.

Closures must be explicitly supported by the language. In order for the language to be able to support closures, it must support first-class functions.

Comparison with methods

A normal function is defined in a particular scope (i.e. in a class) and can only be called within that scope. This function has access to all the variables in the scope that it is defined, like the parameters that are passed into it as well as class variables.

A closure on the other hand may be defined in one scope and be called in a completely different scope (since we can pass it around before calling it). Because of this, when a closure is created, it retains the values of all the variables that were in scope when the closure was defined. Even if the variables are generally no longer in scope when the closure is called, within the closure they still are. In other words, the closure retains knowledge of its lexical environment at the time it was defined.


A Simple Example of a Closure

4.times {puts "Inside the times method."}

Inside the times method.
Inside the times method.
Inside the times method.
Inside the times method.

Here, times is a method on the 4 object. It executes the code in the closure four times. {puts "Inside the times method."} is the closure. It is an anonymous function that is passed into the times method and prints a static sentence. This code is simpler than the alternative with a for loop, shown in the next example.

Looping without closures

for i in 1..4
    puts "Inside the times method."

Argument list is the first extension that Ruby adds to the simple code block . A method or function can communicate with a closure by passing in arguments. In Ruby, we represent the arguments with a comma-separated list of arguments, between ||characters, such as |argument, list|. Using arguments in this way, we can easily build iteration into data structures such as arrays.

Using closures with collections

['red', 'green', 'blues'].each {|item| puts item}


The each method is just one way to iterate. Often, we want to produce a new collection with the results of an operation. This method in Ruby is called collect. We may also join the contents of an array with some arbitrary string, which is shown in the next example.

Passing arguments to a closure

colours = ['red', 'green', 'blue'].collect {|item| item.upcase}
puts colours.join(" and ") + " nothing."

RED and GREEN and BLUE and nothing.

Here, the first line of code takes each element of an array, calls the closure on it, and then builds a collection with the results. The second concatenates all of the elements into a sentence, with " and " between each one.

Advantages of Closures