CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch6 6f va

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Continous Integration "We keep our code ready to ship"


Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently. This approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly

We keep our code ready to ship


Software development landscape has changed lately. In the previous years, one third of the development time was spent on writing exhaustive specifications, which then went through intensive reviews, and then spend months before something was released; in the last years the focus was changed. Nowadays the specs are sketches at most, and releases are at least twice a month in order to get rapid feedback from the customer, allowing for a more focused product. The big question is though: How can we developers adapt to the new world?

Continuous Integration aims to improve the quality of software, and to reduce the time taken to deliver it, by replacing the traditional practice of applying quality control after completing all development. It is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Continuous Integration is about integrating changes to the development project continuously and automatically. These changes usually come in form of modifications and additions to the source code. When we keep them as small as possible and automatically run all checks available (starting from the compilation process and up to the full test routines), we can detect most breaking issues whenever they are introduced. Since the changes are small, it is much easier to isolate and fix the root cause


Continuous integration is achieved by reducing development friction involved in project integration. This is done with the help of:

  • Version Control Systems that allow large and distributed teams to work together on the same project, while sending their code changes (commits) to the central server. Each commit is stored on the server and could be reviewed or reverted.
  • Build Automation that is basically about build tools and scripts that allow to start the complete integration build on a local machine with a single mouse-click.
  • Unit Tests ensuring that code stays stable through all the changes (this normally comes with the Test-Driven Development practices).
  • Code Quality Tests that consistently enforce development guidelines accepted by the team.
  • Regular Commits by developers that reduce amount of change involved in every integration.
  • Integrating Every Commit (as soon as it comes) on a central server allows to detect any compilation failures or broken tests immediately. Also this is the best way to deal with "but it works on my machine" problem.
  • Publishing Integration Results that get created along with the build project might simplify getting feedback from people outside of the development team. Examples of these results are: unit test results, performance metrics, install packages, code quality reports etc.

Why Continuous Integration?


Maintain a single source repository

Software projects involve lots of files that need to be orchestrated together to build a product. Keeping track of all of these is a major effort, particularly when there's multiple people involved. These tools - called Source Code Management tools, configuration management, version control systems, repositories, or various other names - are an integral part of most development projects. The base of a Continuous Integration system is to implement a good source control management system to keep track and control all of the files needed to build a product.

You must put everything required for a build in the source control system. One of the features of version control systems is that they allow you to create multiple branches, to handle different streams of development. This is a useful feature - but it's frequently overused and gets people into trouble. Keep your use of branches to a minimum. In particular have a mainline: a single branch of the project currently under development. Pretty much everyone should work off this mainline most of the time.

A comparison of the common version control systems

Automate the build

Getting the sources turned into a running system can often be a complicated process involving compilation, moving files around, loading schemas into the databases, and so on. However like most tasks in this part of software development it can be automated - and as a result should be automated. Asking people to type in strange commands or clicking through dialog boxes is a waste of time and a breeding ground for mistakes.

To get an efficient Continuous Integration system you need to implement an automatic build process. The details of this step depend upon the implementation language and development environment and may involve compiling and linking and/or other processes that produce the build artifacts, such as the program executable.

A comparison of the common build automation systems

Make the build self-testing

Traditionally a build means compiling, linking, and all the additional stuff required to get a program to execute. A program may run, but that doesn't mean it does the right thing. Modern statically typed languages can catch many bugs, but far more slip through that net. A good practice that will help you to detect errors quickly is to include some automated tests in your build process. If possible, execute a sub-set of the system tests as part of the build to ensure that the build is suitable prior to committing resources to the full scope of system testing. While the level of testing may vary, focus on gaining confidence that the increment is of sufficient quality to establish a baseline for system testing. If some testing fails, the build should also fail.

List of some common test automation tools

Everyone commits to the baseline every day

Integration is primarily about communication. Integration allows developers to tell other developers about the changes they have made. Frequent communication allows people to know quickly as changes develop. A good practice is to force developers to commit their changes to the main development stream at least once every day; before delivering the files, each developer must verify that his/her working copy is consistent with the main development stream, resolve conflicts if they exist, build a local test, and if this passes, commit changes to the main development stream.

Every Commit Should Build the Mainline on an Integration Machine

Although developers must run local builds and tests in their local machines before delivering to the main development stream, there may be differences between each developer's machine, or code integration errors. This is why it is very important to ensure that an integration build is run on an integration machine each time each a developer commits some changes. The developer that delivers the changes should be responsible for monitoring this integration build and fix it if there is any problem. Working this way ensures that errors can be found and solved easily and quickly. Developers are expected to commit to fixing problems with the build quickly, resulting in a successful build every day. There are three approaches to it:

  • To let the developer manually request a build execution after she has committed some new code to the stream.
  • To ensure that an automatic build will be executed after a code commit to the stream (uses a continuous integration server).
  • To use a scheduler so that automatic builds can be executed daily, weekly basis, etc. (uses a continuous integration server).

List of some popular continuous integration servers

Keep the build fast

It is important to reduce to a minimum the time spent running the integration build each time a developer commits changes to the main development stream. The problem is that this is not always possible, and complete integration builds can take a lot of time and resources. If this is your problem, a good best practice is to split your integration build into different stages: create a commit build that compiles and verifies the absence of critical errors when each developer commits changes to the main development stream, and create secondary build(s) to run slower and less important tests. You need to ensure that commit builds are always successful, but if any secondary build fails it does not have to be so critical as to stop everything. This allows your developers to continue working while these secondary errors are fixed.

Test in a clone of the production environment

The point of testing is to flush out, under controlled conditions, any problem that the system will have in production. A significant part of this is the environment within which the production system will run. If you test in a different environment, every difference results in a risk that what happens under test won't happen in production.

As a result you want to set up your test environment to be as exact a mimic of your production environment as possible. Use the same database software, with the same versions, use the same version of operating system. Put all the appropriate libraries that are in the production environment into the test environment, even if the system doesn't actually use them.

Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable

Most builds produce useful output, such as an executable program, a packaged zip file, or other artifacts. Many people may need to get access to the latest executable to be able to run it or just to see what changed last week. Many times developers are not able to find it because there is not a well known place where these files are stored and they spend many hours just looking for this information. It is essential to make sure there's a well known place where people can find the latest executable. It may be useful to put several executables in such a store. For the very latest you should put the latest executable to pass the commit tests - such an executable should be pretty stable providing the commit suite is reasonably strong.

Everyone can see the results of the latest build

Communication is critical to implement a good Continuous Integration system. Each team member needs to have easy and transparent access to the state of the system, last changes made and state of the mainline integration build. Visibility and transparency of the flow of information between team members are essential.

Automate deployment

To do Continuous Integration you need multiple environments, one to run commit tests, one or more to run secondary tests. Since you are moving executables between these environments multiple times a day, you'll want to do this automatically. So it's important to have scripts that will allow you to deploy the application into any environment easily.

A natural consequence of this is that you should also have scripts that allow you to deploy into production with similar ease. You may not be deploying into production every day (although I've run into projects that do), but automatic deployment helps both speed up the process and reduce errors. It's also a cheap option since it just uses the same capabilities that you use to deploy into test environments.

Agile Project Development




An Example with Maven
