CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2010/ch5 5c IC

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Dynamic Dispatch


Dynamic dispatch is an object-oriented programming concept that refers to the mapping of a method to an object's dynamic runtime type. It is common in many object-oriented languages. Languages such as Java and C++ use single dispatch, while only a few, such as CLOS, use multiple dispatch. Both types of dispatch will be discussed later.


  • Flexibility
  • Extensibility
  • Reduces the effort required to change implementation [4]


  • Lookup overhead
  • Counter to safety and increased compile-time knowledge
  • Obstacle to optimization
  • Hinders compiler in determining exact type of objects

Example in C++

Below are two example classes in C++. Class A contains one private attribute and two public virtual methods, method1 and method2. Class B inherits from A, contains one private attribute and two public methods, method1 (which overrides the method defined in class A) and method3.

class A
  int aMember1;
  virtual int method1();
  virtual void method2();

class B : public A
  int bMember1;
  virtual int method1();
  virtual double method3();

The next section of code shows a basic implementation of these methods within these two classes.

class A
  virtual int method1()
    cout << "method1 in class A" << endl;

  virtual int method2()
    cout << "method2 in class A" << endl;

class B : public A
  virtual int method1()
    cout << "method1 in class B" << endl;

  virtual int method3()
    cout << "method3 in class B" << endl;

Single vs Multiple Dispatch

Dynamic dispatch comes in 2 types: single and multiple dispatch.

Memory Issues


[1] “Dynamic Dispatch in Object-Oriented Languages”, 2004.

[2] M. Muller, “Message Dispatch in Dynamically-Typed Object-Oriented Languages”, Master’s Thesis, University of New Mexico, 1995.


[4] D. Schmidt, "Dynamic Binding C++",, 2006.