CSC/CSC 517 Spring 2020/Implement ImageBitMap WebAPI

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Background Information

This project aims to contribute to Mozilla's experimental browser engine called Servo, which is implemented in a language called RUST(useful for implementing features that need concurrency and memory safety).

Many of the components of Servo are still under development and one such feature is the ImageBitmap.

Major browsers support the ImageBitmap standard which can be used to create images that are ready to be drawn efficiently to HTML canvas elements. Servo is a new, experimental browser that supports these canvas APIs; the goal of this project is to implement support for image bitmaps and improve our canvas automated test coverage as a result.

This project focuses on implementing this feature by following the steps provided in the next section.

Steps for implementation

Initial Steps

  • Step 1: Add a ImageBitmap WebIDL interface to components/script/dom/webidls and Rust implementation in components/script/dom/
  • Step 2: Add and implement the createImageBitmap method that takes no extra x/y/w/h parameters in component/script/dom/webidls/Window.webidl, handling the HTMLCanvasElement and OffscreenCanvas types from the possible image sources

Subsequent steps

  • Step 1: Implement several remaining image source types (HTMLImageElement, ImageData, ImageBitmap)
  • Step 2: Implement the createImageBitmap overload that accepts x/y/w/h parameters
  • Step 3: Implement support for ImageBitmaps as canvas image sources in components/script/