CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015 M1505 Add conformance tests to unicode-bidi and fix conformance bugs

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Add conformance tests to unicode-bidi and fix conformance bugs





Project Description

Project Implementation Flowchart

Here is a flowchart which represents the sequence of activities that make up the logical flow of this project

UML Diagrams

UML Class Diagram

Here is a class diagram representing the different classes involved and their mutual interaction.

Test Cases

The project involved adding code from BidiCharacterTest.txt and BidiTest.txt so as to ensure that the implementation of the unicode-bidi algorithm always conforms to the specifications defined in the Unicode Bidirectional algorithm. However as part of the initial steps, we did add a few manual test cases that would check for conformance to some of the major steps. Here are some of those test cases:

  • Check for LTR by passing the level number
  • Check for RTL by passing the level number
  • Check for removal of characters according to the Rule X9 of the algorithm
  • Check for non removal of characters according to the Rule X9 of the algorithm
  • Check for reordering of characters in accordance with the following types of characters:
    • Weak LTR
    • Strong LTR
    • Strong RTL
    • Neutral characters
    • RTL(Explicit Right-To-Left) Markers (Failing Test Case. The steps to implement this was not implemented till that point in time.)




See Also