CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2015/oss E1557 GXM

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E1557. Refactoring SignUpSheetController.rb and SignUpSheet.rb

In this project, we have unit tested various methods in SignUpSheetController.rb and SignUpSheet.rb as well as refactoring these methods. We first wrote unit tests to ensure we had adequate coverage for our methods. Then, we refactored our methods with confidence found from our unit tests.

Unit Testing

For our unit testing, we used the RSpec framework. We choose this framework since legacy tests of our methods were implemented with RSpec. We also utilized the RSpec-Mocks to test functions related to the database without having to use fixtures.


We performed various refactorings on our code to increase the codes readability and remove redundancy.

Fixing Issue 580

We were not able to recreate the problem found in issue 580. After multiple attempts of trying to recreate the bug we began to examine the source code. We believe that someone else has already fixed the bug before we started working on the project.