CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2014/ch1a 22 sp

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Sprockets gem provides Sprockets implementation for Rails 4.x (and beyond) Asset Pipeline. This wiki must describe importance of using asset pipelining in Rails (now called rake pipelining), how its done? A Pipeline is responsible for taking a directory of input files, applying a number of filters to the inputs, and outputting them into an output directory. Also include details to implement Rails 4 asset pipeline on Heroku.

Rake Pipelining: Asset Pipelining in Rails

What is a Ruby on Rails asset pipeline?
Generally speaking, asset pipelining refers to the practice of using a provided framework to combine and/or minify (compress) assets.<ref>"The Asset Pipeline", Rails Guides. Retrieved on 16 September 2014.</ref>

Rails asset pipelines are commonly used for JavaScript and CSS resources.


Rails 4 Asset Pipelines on Heroku

<ref>"Rails 4 Asset Pipeline on Heroku", Heroku Dev Center. 10 April 2014. Retrieved 16 September 2014</ref>


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