CSC//ECE 517 Fall 2013/ch1 1w40 ao

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Xtreme Programming

Extreme Programming XP is a Software Development Methodology which is a type of agile software development[]. It has proved to be very successful at many companies of different sizes and scale. Frequent releases in short development cycles is one of the major fundamentals of extreme programming similar to agile software development. The intention behind this is improved productivity and quality of software and higher customer satisfaction.

Pair programming, extensive code reviews and test driven development are some other important features of Extreme programming. It intends to create a flat management structure again like normal agile software development.

The name derives from the fact that normal principles of software engineering practices are taken to a level that would be categorized as extreme when it was put into use. 

Criticism around agile revolves around drawbacks such as unstable requirements and the lack of documentation as far as the design specification is concerned.


Current State
