CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2012/ch1b 1w47 sk

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Generic Programming is a programming paradigm for developing efficient, reusable software libraries. The Generic Programming process focuses on finding commonality among similar implementations of the same algorithm, then providing suitable abstractions so that a single, generic algorithm can cover many concrete implementations. This process is repeated until the generic algorithm has reached a suitable level of abstraction, where it provides maximal re-usability while still yielding efficient, concrete implementations. The abstractions themselves are expressed as requirements on the parameters to the generic algorithm.

In the simplest definition, generic programming is a style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of to-be-specified-later types that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters. This approach, pioneered by Ada in 1983, permits writing common functions or types that differ only in the set of types on which they operate when used, thus reducing duplication. Such software entities are known as generics in Ada, Eiffel, Java, C#, F#, and Visual Basic .NET; parametric polymorphism in ML, Scala and Haskell (the Haskell community also uses the term "generic" for a related but somewhat different concept); templates in C++ and D; and parameterized types in the influential 1994 book Design Patterns.

The term generic programming was originally coined by David Musser and Alexander Stepanov in a more specific sense than the above, to describe an approach to software decomposition whereby fundamental requirements on types are abstracted from across concrete examples of algorithms and data structures and formalized as concepts, analogously to the abstraction of algebraic theories in abstract algebra. Early examples of this programming approach were implemented in Scheme and Ada, although the best known example is the Standard Template Library (STL) in which is developed a theory of iterators which is used to decouple sequence data structures and the algorithms operating on them.

Generics in Object Oriented Languages




Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Generics

Language Support
