CSC/ECE 506 Fall 2007/wiki3 8 a1

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The protocols discussed here were created to allow cache coherence to be maintained on a system that has no global bus system that allows snooping to take place, and, has distributed memory that is physically separated. These systems usually consist of PCM (Processor-Control-Memory) nodes connected by a network; the systems also have network assists to allow communication to take place.

For a system to be coherent it must:

  1. Provide a state machine
  2. Manage the coherence protocol
    • Determine when the coherence protocol should be used
    • Find information on the current cache block in other caches
    • Find out where other copies of the current cache block are located
    • Communicate with the other copies

SSCI (Simple Scalable Coherence Interface) protocol

IEEE SCI (Scalable Coherence Interface) protocol

SSCI and IEE SCI Protocol Similarities

IEE SCI Protocol Additional States


IEEE SCI Standard Abstract and Content Summary -
IEEE SCI on ieexplore -
