CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch17 5b uo

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When to use Inheritance


Inheritance is a useful programming concept, but it is easy to abuse this concept. Often interfaces or delegation are better options. In this wiki chapter, we will discuss the situations when to use and when not to use inheritance.

Inheritance is a good choice when:

Your inheritance hierarchy represents an "is-a" relationship and not a "has-a" relationship.

You can reuse code from the base classes.

You want to implement polymorphism.

The class hierarchy is reasonably shallow, and other developers are not likely to add many more levels.

You want to make global changes to derived classes by changing a base class.

These points are discussed in detail below

Representing "Is-a" Relationship

A "Is-a" relationship can be represented by inheritance in most cases. For example cat "Is-a" animal. Lets consider a real world scenario of an organization where a person can either be a manager, an employee or both. Thus a employee "Is-a" person. Can this "Is-a" relationship be represented by inheritance? Let us assume that an employee can be represented as a subclass of person. What happens when the employee is promoted to become a manager? In this case when a employee is promoted to become a manager, all the references of the employee has to be removed which can be cumbersome. Hence in this case the employee "Is-a" person relation cannot be represented by inheritance. So how do we represent this relationship?

public class Person {

  private String name;
  private String gender;
  private String address;
  public String getAddress()
      return address;
  ...other methods and data...


public class employee {

  private Person me;
  public String getAddress() { return me.getAddress(); }
  public float getSalary() {}
  ...other methods and data...


Hence a class x shouldn't be a super class of class y based on a role played by y that is modeled by x. Also for a "Is-a" relationship between a superclass S and a subclass T can be represented by inheritance only if S and all its references can be replaced by T without losing correctness of the program. This is called Liskov's Substitution Principle (LSP) [1].

An example where LSP determines the fate of a "Is-a" relationship is the well-known square is a rectangle scenario. Even though a square is a rectange it cannot be a subclass of rectange because all the references to a rectange cannot be replaced by a square. Let us assume we replace a rectangle object of length 10 and height 5 by a square object of length 10. The area of the square will be 100 and cannot replace the rectangle whose area is 50.

Code Reuse

Third level title if any

code here if any

Third Level Heading 2

  Add Code here

Inheritance-based Polymorphism

Shallow Class Hierarchies

Global Changes to Derived Classes Through the Base Class

Composition vs Inheritance

Drawbacks of inheritance

Inheritance is not without its own set of drawbacks. If inheritance is applied without due consideration problems can arise. In some situations it can:

  • Reduce the comprehensibility of code.
  • Make maintenance harder.
  • Make further development harder.
  • Reduce reliability of code.
  • Reduce overall reuse.


<EDIT THIS> We have considered the benefits and drawbacks of inheritance within an object oriented programming language. We have challenged the general perception that inheritance is by its very nature always good and have considered when it should and should not be used. We have re-assessed compositional reuse and made the case that it is as important, in an object oriented language, as inheritance in order to achieve the maximum possible reuse. We can therefore provide a summary of our findings that can be used as a set of guiding principles for object oriented development: · Avoid code dependency except on published protocol. · For structural inheritance direct extension is fine.
