CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch3 3h rr

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3h. Primitive objects. At the beginning of Lecture 11, we discovered that Fixnums and Bignums are handled differently behind the scenes in Ruby. Other languages, like Java, have made similar distinctions. By contrast, languages such as C# and Eiffel try to hide these implementation differences from users. Answer two questions: (1) How have different o-o languages implemented primitive objects? E.g., how are they represented in memory, how are they tested for, do comparisons do anything different than for class objects, etc. (2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of treating primitives differently from class objects in source code?


Programming languages, whether statically or dynamically typed, have support for certain in-built data types. These data types, known as primitive types, are the basic representation of information in programs and have certain fixed attributes for a specific language[1]. Statically typed languages such as C++, Java, Perl etc. support primitive data types, whereas with dynamically typed languages such as Ruby, Smalltalk, Lisp etc. they are actually in the form of primitive objects. These primitive types are used to store the basic types of information that a computer can store and manipulate, and can also be used as building blocks for creating more complex data types. This article explains the way different primitive types are implemented in certain object oriented languages. An analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of such types and the methods used to operate on them is also presented.

Primitive Types

The primitive types commonly included in most programming languages are:

  • Boolean
  • Character
  • Integer
  • Floating-point number
  • Fixed-point number
  • Reference


A Boolean is a primitive data type used to store one of two logical types: true or false. Boolean data types are most commonly used as input paramters to a conditional statement (such as an ‘if’ statement), or as the output of a comparison between two comparable data types. Booleans can be implemented in languages as either a discrete logical type, or implicitly as a numerical type. In many languages, booleans can be implicitly converted to and from integer types.


A character is a data type that represents an element of a written language, such as a letter, number, or symbol. A character can also represent a control character, such as a carriage return or newline, which does not have a written meaning but controls how other characters are stored or displayed. Characters are commonly stored as integers, and encoded using a character map.


An integer is a data type that represents one element of a finite subset of mathematical integers. Integer, or Integral, data types can be either unsigned (able to store only positive whole numbers) or signed (able to store either positive or negative whole numbers). The range of values that can be represented by an integer depends on the number of bits used to store the integer, whether or not it is a signed integer, and the encoding scheme (if it is signed). Typically, an integer has a minimum and maximum value, and can store any integer in the range between those values. The minimum value for unsigned integers is typically 0, and the maximum value is typically determined by the amount of memory used to store the integer. For example, a un unsigned 8-bit number can store 2^8 (or 256) possible integral values; and would typically store any value from 0 to 255. More generally, an n-bit unsigned integer can store from 0 to (2^n)-1. For signed integers, modern computers use the Two’s Complement encoding scheme. This allows for a range of −2^(n−1) through 2^(n−1)−1. For example, an 8-bit signed integer could store any whole number in the range from -128 through +127.

Floating-Point Number

A floating point number is a data type used to represent real numbers in a large range with varying degrees of precision. In this representation, numbers are represented with a variable number of significant digits, and a variable number of exponential digits.

Fixed-Point number

A fixed-point number is a data type used to represent real numbers. Fixed-point numbers are called fixed-point because they have a set number of digits before and after a decimal mark. In this regard, fixed-point numbers are represented as an integer, but are scaled by a predetermined factor.

Fixed-point numbers are commonly used in microprocessors that do not have a floating-point unit, or in systems in which computational efficiency is critical. Fixed-point numbers can be treated as integers by an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and scaled after a result is obtained, which can significantly lower the amount of time needed for a processor to obtain the result for some algorithms.

Implementing algorithms using fixed-point arithmetic requires great care, because of the potential for information loss. Fixed-point arithmetic operations -- multiplication in particular, has the potential to cause overflow. Algorithms must be written with care to ensure that each term of an equation has a similar range and that the result will not cause an overflow.


A Reference is a data type that enables a program to access another item in memory. A reference differs from other primitive data types in that it does not store data itself; instead it stores a value referring to another data object. References are commonly used to refer to objects of large non-primitive data types. References commonly store the physical memory address of the data that they are referring to. Accessing the data referred to by a Reference is called dereferencing.

Primitive Data Types in C++

C++ is a statically-typed object oriented language. C++ is based on the C programming language, which is procedural, and adds support for object-oriented code.

These data types are defined in C++: [2]

Name ! Size ! Description ! Range
N/A | the void data type is used to explicitly identify that a data has no type | N/A ?? 32 bits | single-precision IEEE 754 floating point | See [[3]]
64 bits | double-precision IEEE 754 floating point| See [[4]]
1 bit | boolean | false, true
8 bits | a char is a single 8-bit character encoded using ASCII | Ascii character 0x00 through ascii character 0xFF

C++ supports Pointers for all of the types listed in the table above, as well as more complex data types (such as structs). A Pointer in C++ is a data type that stores the physical address of some other data. Pointers are created in C++ by using the * operator. For example, a *Double[] is a pointer to an array of double-precision floating point numbers. C++ Also supports function pointers -- pointers that reference the beginning address of a function in memory. They are commonly used to implement callback functions [5]

Primitive Data Types in Java

Java is a statically-typed object oriented programming language. Primitive types are defined in the language, and conversion between them must be explicitly performed. Primitive data types are created using a keyword, which is also the name of the data type. These data types are defined in Java: [6]

Name ! Size ! Description ! Range
8 bits |signed two's complement integer | -128 to 127
16 bits| signed two's complement integer | -32,768 to 32,767
32 bits | signed two's complement integer | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
64 bits | signed two's complement integer | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,373,036,854,775,807
32 bits | single-precision IEEE 754 floating point | See [[7]]
64 bits | double-precision IEEE 754 floating point| See [[8]]
1 bit | boolean | false, true
16 bits | a char is a single 16-bit character encoded using Unicode | Unicode character \u0000 through unicode character \uffff

Java also defines a String class, which is used to create objects of many chars. The String class provides functionality commonly implemented using arrays of chars in other languages, such as C.

Java also defines the 'unsigned' keyword, which can be used to as a modifier to any of the integral types listed in the table above. If the 'unsigned' keyword is used, the integral type will be unsigned instead of signed, and its range will change correspondingly.

Java is capable of using any two objects of the same primitive data type for comparison. Java defines a class for each data type, which have the same name but a capitalized first letter (e.g. Float instead of float). These classes, called ??????? provide a series of methods that can manipulate their associated primitive data type, as well as convert to and from other data types.

Primitive Data Types in C#

C# is a statically-typed object oriented programming language. Primitive types are defined in the language, and conversion between them must be explicitly performed. Primitive data types are created using a keyword, which is also the name of the data type. C# has all of the data types that are available in Java, as well as some additional ones.

Similar to Java, C# defines a String class which is used to create objects of many chars. The Sring class in C# provides These data types are defined in C#: [9]

Name ! .NET Class ! Size ! Description ! Range
Byte | 8 bits |signed two's complement integer | -128 to 127
SByte | 8 bits| signed two's complement integer | -0 to 255
Int16 | 16 bits | signed two's complement integer | -32,768 to 32,767
UInt16 | 16 bits | unsigned integer | 0 to 65,535
Int32 | 32 bits | signed two's complement integer | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
UInt32 | 32 bits | unsigned integer | 0 to 4,294,967,295
Int64 | 64 bits | signed two's complement integer | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,373,036,854,775,807
UInt64 | 64 bits | unsigned integer | 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Float | 32 bits | single-precision IEEE 754 floating point | -3.402823e38 to 3.02823e38
Double | 64 bits | double-precision IEEE 754 floating point| -1.79769313486232e308 to 1.79769313486232e308
Boolean | 1 bit | boolean | false, true
Char | 16 bits | a char is a single 16-bit character encoded using Unicode | Unicode character \u0000 through unicode character \uffff Object | N/A | Object is the base type of all other types String | N/A | String is the base type for a sequence of chars Decimal | 128 | Decimal is an integral type that can represent a decimal number with 29 significant digits ±1.0 × 10e−28 to ±7.9 × 10e28

Like Java, each primitive data type in C# also has a class associated with it that. These classes serve a similar purpose to their associated ones in Java. They are used for comparison of objects, as well as conversion between other similar types.

Primitive Objects in Ruby

Ruby is a pure object oriented language as compared to languages such as Java or C#, which use a more hybrid approach. In Ruby, all data types are represented as Objects. There are some inbuilt classes that are provided to users in Ruby. However, only some of them have a corresponding representation in other languages, that could form a building block for forming other types. This subset shown below gives us a list of primitive objects that can be used for data representation and manipulation:

  • Boolean
  • Bignum
  • Fixnum
  • Float
  • Integer
  • String

Although types such as Array, Hash are also in-built types, they can be further composed of elements that are internally represented in one of the primitive types. Hence, they will not be treated by us as primitive objects, in the traditional definition of the term. Each of the primitive objects listed above also provide certain convenience methods that are applicable for the underlying type. For example, the Fixnum, Bignum and Float types provide support for arithmetic operations such as addition (+), subtraction(--), multiplication(*) and so on. As with all other classes in Ruby, users can add functionality to existing primitive objects by reopening classes. In terms of amount of memory required to implement the primitive objects in Ruby, this has been described in previous sections.

class Position

def ==(other)
 other.equal?(self) || (other.instance_of?(self.class) && other.x == @x &&    other.y == @y)
 def hash
   @x*29 + @y


