CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2011/ch1 1d ss

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Closures in statically typed languages. Most languages that implement closures are dynamically typed. It is a challenge to implement closures in a statically typed language. Explain why, and cover attempts to mix the two. Consider also closures and static scoping, as in Scheme.


statically vs dynamically typed

One simple way to differentiate between the two is:
In statically typed languages,type checking is done at the compile time where as in dynamically typed languages, type checking is done at run-time.

Examples of statically typed : C,C++,Java,JADA,Pascal etc
Examples of dynamically typed : PHP,Prolog,Python,Ruby,Small talk etc.[1]


what exactly is Closure

Advantages of Closures

Implementation of Closures

In dynamically typed languages

statically typed languages, difficulty

In statically typed languages

Closures and Static Scoping
