CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2010/ch5 5b mt

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Variable Naming Conventions

Variables are used in all computer programming languages and are used for various reasons; such as, holding the value of a constant, holding the value of something used many times throughout the program, or used briefly for counting. The names used for each variable are more difficult to choose than simply making any word or word combination. The rest of this article is dedicated to helping the novice programmer determine variable names for different programming languages and purposes.


A Variable is a name used within a program that holds the value of a known or unknown value. ||An example of multiple cites for the same resource [1] [1] If it doesn't have multiple cites for the same resource just leave off the a and b

||This is an example with a reduced width

This is My Example
This is My Example

This is an example of a normal image

This is My Example


Notable Naming Conventions


Language Specific Examples

||This is our second subtopic||


||Put the conclusions here||


1. a, b Author last, FI. (2010, April 26). Title of webpage. Retrieved October 15, 2010, from site name (Github):

Additional Resources