CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2010/ch4 4g km

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Metaprogramming in dynamically typed languages


In the previous article for which the link does not exist yet, we learn that command patterns in static and dynamic languages provide separation of objects that request actions from the objects that ultimately perform actions. This is done by encapsulating the request for an action on a specific object. These command patterns are executed at runtime and simply hide the fact that another program is being called. Another technique of encapsulating behavior is for the program to have changes initiated at compile time. This type of design requires that the program not only can call another piece of code at runtime but it can build these calls at compile time via metaprogramming. In this article we take a closer look at metaprogramming in dynamically typed languages.

What is Metaprogramming?

Metaprogramming is the ability for a computer program to manipulate itself or other programs at the time of compilation as opposed to performing this manipulations at runtime. This tends to allow for greater flexibility for a program to handle new situations. Metaprogramming is ideal for several scenarios to include the use of application programming interfaces (API's), programs writing programs, and working with other programs outside of itself.

Example of Metaprogramming

There is a classic example of use for metaprogramming that involves some form of writing a program that outputs some set of numbers in order but the trick is that it cannot be done in a loop. For this example we will ask for a program that outputs the numbers from 1 to 100 without using any looping. Ideally one would like to write the following:

 1.upto 100 do |i|
   puts "#{i}"

which outputs


however since a loop is not allowed, you could use the loop to write code that will write the code:

 1.upto 100 do |i|
   puts "puts #{i}"

which outputs

 puts 1
 puts 2
 puts 100

which then outputs


the elegance of this technique is that it is very easy to repeat or manipulate.

Dynamic Programming Languages

Dynamic typed programming languages are often referred to as 'weak typed' languages since it is not required for the variables to bound to a particular type at compile time.


What’s Next?

In the next article for which the link does not exist yet, we will look at static-analysis tools for Ruby.


  1. Metaprogramming
  2. Dynamic Programming Languages
  3. Command Pattern