CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2009/wiki3 12 sn

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Patterns for Mapping Objects to Relational Databases


Mapping Objects to Relational Databases is also referred to as Object-relational mapping or ORM. It is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in relational databases and object-oriented programming languages which creates a virtual object database that can be used from within the programming language [1]. The term "mapping" is used to refer to how objects and their relationships are mapped to the tables and relationships between them in a database [2]. The following figure shows a high-level depiction of ORM [3]:

ORM [3]
ORM [3]

Fundamentals of Mapping

To understand mapping we must start with the class whose objects need to be mapped. An attribute of such a class will then be mapped to a single or multiple columns of a relational database table. The simplest form of mapping is the mapping of an attribute to a single column and both the entities being mapped have the same data type. For example, a date attribute is mapped to a date type column [2].

Patterns in ORM

There are several patterns or techniques used to implement ORM in different situations. Let us see some of them in detail.

Concrete Table Inheritance

In this technique, each class is mapped to its own table such that both the attributes implemented by the class and its inherited attributes are mapped to the table. Following is an example to explain this technique. There are tables corresponding to each of the Customer and Employee classes because they are concrete, objects are instantiated from them, but not Person because it is abstract. Each table was assigned its own primary key, customerPOID and employeePOID respectively. To support the addition of Executive all I needed to do was add a corresponding table with all of the attributes required by executive objects.

