CSC 216 F09/Inheritance-Polymorphism

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The Problem

This exercise demonstrates the effect of inheritance/polymorphism through class interactions. Several students will be designated as the Superclasses while others will be designated subclasses of that superclass. Each person designated as the superclass has a set of methods that are inherited by the subclasses. The subclasses then can perform these methods relative to the properties of their class. This exercise can provide for a humorous way to understand how classes can inherit methods from it's superclass.

An example is given:

-One person is designated as the Mammal class.

-The mammal class has a walk(), and a talk() method.

-3 other people are designated as the subclasses: "Cow", "Person", "Duck" (or any other mammal with a distinct vocal characteristic).

-The four people are given class-name tags for clarity.

-Each of the classmates can then walk up to the subclasses and ask them to perform one of the inherited methods (walk() or talk()).

-The subclass then performs his/her interpretation of how that mammal talks or walks.

*More Superclass/subclass relationships can be used to allow for more classmate interaction. *


The entire class will be able to participate in this activity. The people designated as the classes will perform the methods that are called by their classmates.

By: Colin Craig and Augustine Sebera