CSC 216 F09/Inheritance-Polymorphism

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The Problem

This exercise demonstrates the effect of inheritance/polymorphism through class interactions. Several students will be designated as the Superclasses while others will be designated subclasses of that superclass. Each person designated as the superclass has a set of methods that are inherited by the subclasses. The subclasses then can perform these methods relative to the properties of their class. This exercise can provide for a humorous way to understand how classes can inherit methods from it's superclass.

An example is given:

One person is designated as the Mammal class. The mammal class has a walk(), and a talk() method.

3 other people are designated as the subclasses: "Cow", "Person", "Duck" (or any other mammal with a distinct vocal characteristic). The four people are given class-name tags for clarity.Each of the classmates can then walk up to the subclasses and ask them to perform one of the inherited methods (walk() or talk()). The subclass then performs his/her interpretation of how that mammal talks or walks. *More Superclass/subclass relationships can be used to allow for more classmate interaction. *


The entire class will be able to participate in this activity. The people designated as the classes will perform the methods that are called by their classmates.