CSC 216 F09/awesomeinterfacing

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Open Interfacing by Tyler McDowell, Matthew Mitchell, and Andrew Cole

The problem

This exercise helps students remember key concepts of the lecture. For this specific example, it is also being used to show good examples of interfaces.

Participants and props

The entire class will participate. Laptops are required for each group. A web application such as MeToo or something similar is also necessary.

The script

This activity is based off of Open Book from During the first part of the activity, individual students will write five questions based on whatever subject is being studied – in this case, interfacing. Students will then group into teams of three to five students (depending on total class size) and decide on the best five questions for the entire group. Using MeToo or a similar application, students will submit their questions and answer other groups' questions. Time permitting, students could also write short examples of code that uses interfacing, and use MeToo to vote on the best example.