CSC 379:Week 5, Group 3

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Internet Voting

Below is the content from the existing study guide on internet voting. Your assignment will be to update the study guide. Expand each section with more detailed and recent content and add at least one new section that provides a thorough overview of areas of ethical concern regarding internet voting. You may rename, move, and reformat content within the study guide as prudent. Include links to articles about instances of internet voting.

Note: Your new study guide does not need to follow the structure of the existing topic page.

Relevant Class Website Links

Study Guide

What is Internet Voting?

"Internet voting means the casting of a secure and secret electronic ballot that is transmitted to election officials using the Internet.”

Types of Internet Voting:

  • Poll Site: Voting: Internet technology is added to the traditional voting locations.
  • Kiosk Voting: Internet would be place at non traditional sites such as mall for convenience of people.
  • Remote voting: Citizens would be able to vote from anywhere such as home or office.

Pros and Cons of Internet Voting:

Some of the advantages that are with internet voting is that more people will be able to participate since it will be easier to vote from anywhere.

It will also be cost effective; if everyone will use their own computers then less equipment will be needed to get voting done. Also their will be quick tally of the votes.

Some of the disadvantages of the internet voting are security issues. Hackers are able to hack even the digital signatures that are used for security purposes. Also, The other concern is that of digital divide not everyone has a computer at home , so poor people will have less chance of voting.

Government concerns on Internet voting:

Due to the growing interest in internet voting there have been many studies so far on how secured internet voting would be if it’s implied. Also, many aspects of the internet voting are being explored to see if it should be implemented.

Future of internet voting:

The internet voting the moves closer to reality now, defense department is now working with 10 states to develop web based voting program which could help many thousands of Americans living abroad to be able to vote.