CSC/ECE 517-GH-2401-Rest-GraphQL-Endpoints

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Revision as of 18:24, 24 March 2024 by Akhairn (talk | contribs)
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The project involves developing API endpoints for GitHub GraphQL queries and GitHub REST queries and to integrate these endpoints into the Python Flask framework, enabling the publication of these queries as accessible API endpoints via URLs. We have implemented endpoints for 4 query elements: comment, contributions, profiles and time_range_contributions. Each element contains multiple queries and each query has a separate endpoints for both GraphQL and REST API implemented.



Below are the queries with their respective endpoints:



User Gists

GraphQL Endpoint


REST Endpoint


User Issues

GraphQL Endpoint


REST Endpoint


User Pull Requests

GraphQL Endpoint


REST Endpoint


User Repositories

GraphQL Endpoint


REST Endpoint


User Repository Discussions

GraphQL Endpoint


REST Endpoint



Time Range Contributions