CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2356. Refactor review mapping controller.rb (Phase 2)

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This wiki page is for information regarding the changes made for the E2356 Refactor review_mapping_controller.rb OSS assignment for Fall 2023, CSC/ECE 517.


Expertiza is an open-source project developed on Ruby on Rails. This web application is maintained by the students and faculty at NC State. This application gives complete control to the instructor to maintain the assignments in their class. With multiple functionalities such as adding topics, creating groups, and peer reviews, Expertiza is a well-developed application that can handle all types of assignments. To learn more about the full functionality Expertiza has to offer, visit the Expertiza wiki.

About Controller

The functionality of review_mapping_controller is to map the reviewer to an assignment. Basically, the controller handles the assignment of reviews to different teams or individual student users, covering scenarios like peer reviews and self-reviews. Additionally, the controller plays a crucial role in handling requests from student users, facilitating extra bonus reviews in alignment with the assignment policy.

Problem Statement

  • Refactor the long methods in review_mapping_controller.rb like assign_reviewer_dynamically, add_reviewer, automatic_review_mapping,peer_review_strategy etc.
  • Fix two identified major bugs.
  • Add meaningful comments and edit/remove unnecessary comments.
  • Ensure that code changes do not break any functionality. Refactoring method names might cause cascaded updates in other files.
  • Add Tests as provided in test skeletons.

Design Pattern

During the code refactoring process, we conscientiously followed various design patterns to enhance the overall structure. One of the most common ones is the “Extract Method.” There were several instances where certain methods became overly lengthy and intricate. By extracting specific functionalities into separate methods, we significantly improved the code's readability and comprehension. This way, it became easier and clearer to understand what the method achieved. Furthermore, we tackled the issue of excessive conditional statements by employing the "Refactoring Conditionals" design pattern. This approach involves isolating the block of code within a conditional statement into a distinct method and subsequently invoking that method. This strategic refactoring not only streamlined our code but also contributed to a more readable and maintainable codebase.

File(s) Modified

1. review_mapping_controller.rb
2. review_mapping_controller_spec.rb
Changes can be seen in the pull request created here.

Solutions/Details of Changes Made

1. Refactor peer_review_strategy method in review_mapping_controller.rb file

The method was split into smaller functions specifically isolating the code for handling strategy for the last team in the list.

2. Bug fix regarding in-progress reviews for a participant

Changes made to check_outstanding_reviews method to return the correct results. Previously if all the reviews were completed by a participant, the method returned true (num_reviews_in_progress = 0), which would not be the right output. This is fixed by ensuring a return value of true only if num_reviews_in_progress > 0.

3. Bug fix regarding Assign Reviewer Button

Add txt

4. Test Cases Addition

The major focus during this phase was on adding tests and making the review_mapping_controller.rb controller fail-proof. By the end of this phase we were able to incorporate the majority of tests provided in the Test Skeleton.