CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2370. Reimplement join team requests controller

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Revision as of 01:24, 31 October 2023 by Mayyapp (talk | contribs)
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Expertiza is a Ruby on Rails based open source project. Instructors have the ability to add new projects, assignments, etc., as well as edit existing ones. Later on, they can view student submissions and grade them. Students can also use Expertiza to organize into teams to work on different projects and assignments and submit their work. They can also review other students' submissions.

Problem Statement

The controller join_team_requests_controller.rb contains functions to create, list, update, delete, and decline requests to join teams. This is a fairly straightforward controller with basic functionalities which is easily tested using Postman. The objective of this project was to change the operation of this controller to suit our API.

New Files

  1. app/controllers/join_team_requests_controller.rb
  2. app/models/join_team_requests.rb
  3. spec/requests/api/v1/join_team_requests_spec.rb

File Changes

Original code

class Participant < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :assignment, foreign_key: 'assignment_id', inverse_of: false

Modified code

class Participant < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :assignment, foreign_key: 'assignment_id', inverse_of: false
  has_many   :join_team_requests, dependent: :destroy

Original code

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  mount Rswag::Api::Engine => 'api-docs'
  mount Rswag::Ui::Engine => 'api-docs'
  # Define your application routes per the DSL in
          post '/sign_up_student', to: 'signed_up_teams#sign_up_student'

Modified code

Rails.application.routes.draw do

  mount Rswag::Api::Engine => 'api-docs'
  mount Rswag::Ui::Engine => 'api-docs'
  # Define your application routes per the DSL in
          post '/sign_up_student', to: 'signed_up_teams#sign_up_student'

      resources :join_team_requests do
        collection do
          post 'decline/:id', to:'join_team_requests#decline'
          post 'accept/:id', to:'join_team_requests#accept'


We have thoroughly tested our code using Postman and the controller works flawlessly.
Following is a link to the Swagger test file -


- Created new methods for the Join Team Requests Controller to support CRUD functionality.
- Added an accept and decline method.
- Modified the status to use constants such as 'PENDING', 'ACCEPTED', and 'DECLINED' instead of 'P', 'D', 'A'.


We've successfully reimplemented the Join Teams Request Controller, achieving a more comprehensive feature set by introducing new methods for CRUD functionality, facilitating the acceptance and rejection of join requests, and adopting meaningful status constants like 'PENDING,' 'ACCEPTED,' and 'DECLINED' in place of less intuitive single-character codes. These improvements not only expand the controller's capabilities but also enhance its readability and maintainability,


Renji Joseph Sabu <>

Manoj Ayyappan <>
Pradeep Patil <>
Maya Patel <>

Pull Request

Changes for this project are under Expertiza Pull Request