CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2023 - E2353. Further refactoring and improvement of review mapping helper

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Revision as of 23:00, 30 October 2023 by Hrmauny (talk | contribs)
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Problem Statement

Over project concentrates on making things readable and understandable in review_mapping_helper.rb file

Issues to be Addressed

  • method get_data_for_review_report marshals a lot of data together and passes back a data structure. It is used in views/reports/_review_report.html.erb, but it is quite difficult to see how the data is being displayed. It violates the Expert pattern, because the view needs to know how to break apart the structure that is passed to it. Doing the same thing with partials in views/reports would make the code easier to follow
  • The next three methods involve team “color”. Color-coding is explained on this page and this page for the E1789 project and this page for E1815. The code for these methods is not at all clear, and should be refactored. And please use the American spelling “color”.
  • Various method names begin with get. This is not Ruby-like. Change the names to something more appropriate.
  • get_awarded_review_score computes an overall score based upon scores awarded in individual rounds. This is one of many places in Expertiza where scores are being calculated. Score-calculation code for multiple rounds is being standardized now, in response_map.rb. Contact Nicholas Himes ( for particulars. Change this method to use the new code.
  • The method sort_reviewer_by_review_volume_desc should be generalized so that it can sort by any metric, not just review volume. Other metrics might include number of suggestions, or number of suggestions + number of problems detected. This method should not be counting the number of review rounds! Since other places in the code will need to know the number of review rounds, it should be calculated somewhere else in the system.
  • The next several methods generate charts. They are cohesive enough that they should be in their own separate file, either another helper or a mixin.
  • Then there is a method list_review_submissions. It’s not at all clear that this method is needed, though it is used in one view. Look on the Expertiza wiki and see if there is a better way.
  • There are several methods for feedback_response_maps. It is not at all clear why they are here. Look on the Expertiza wiki for the documentation, and see if you can replace them by calls to other methods, or at least make it clearer what they are doing.
  • The file ends with three small classes being defined. There are no comments at all to explain what is being done. Look them up on the Expertiza wiki and refactor or comment them, whichever seems more appropriate.

Files Modified

  • app/helpers/charts_helper.rb
  • app/helpers/review_mapping_helper.rb