CSC 379:Week 1, Group 6

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The Ethics of Defenses against Spam

  • Blocking domains
    • Pros - highly effective at blocking spam coming from specific domains.
    • Cons - may inadvertently block legitimate addresses. Reuse of a domain by a legitmate company that was once used by a spammer would cause that company to be blocked/blacklisted. read more
  • Require users to request permission to send you an e-mail.
    • Pros - Guaranteed that any email you recieve is legitamte since you must approve all senders.
    • Cons - again, this may inadvertently block some legitimate addresses. For instance, someone may request permission to send you an email from an address you do not recognize or someone may not even know they need to request permission to email you.
  • Charge for e-mails sent.
    • Pros - Eliminates the purpose of spam since it will no longer be free to send mail and advertise.
    • Cons - Creates a problem for lower income users, especially those who may need to send out many emails and can not afford to. Non-profit organizations would also not be able to afford to send out emails.
  • Opt in for commercial e-mail.
    • Pros - Eliminate unsolicited commercial emails as long as its well enforced. Gives company a better target demographic. read more about advantages of opt-in mailing lists.
    • Cons - Not practical since it would be very difficult to actually enforce. Reduce potential advertising cababilities of companies.
  • Domain authentication.
    • Pros - would help prevent fraudulent emails, phishing, and falsifying identity.
    • Cons - If the authentication key gets compromised it may give a false sense of security to those who think the domain is authentic.
  • Bounties
    • Pros - Money collected from spammers who have been caught can be used to catch other spammers. Give you a large policing force that could detect spammers better then a spam filter.
    • Cons - People may become money hungry and turn in non-spammers simple for a reward.
  • The "Goodmail" approach. Read more about the Goodmail Approach
    • Pros - Prevent smaller spamming companies unwilling to pay fees.
    • Cons - Non-profit organization would have difficulties paying fees. Larger spamming companies could easily pay the fees and get easy access to email people. read more about issues with the Goodmail Approach