CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2021 - E2128. Refactor student quizzes controller.rb & late policies controller.rb

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Revision as of 21:22, 13 October 2021 by Adas9 (talk | contribs)
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This wiki page is for the description of changes made under E2128 OSS assignment for Fall 2021, CSC/ECE 517.


Expertiza is a web application developed using Ruby on Rails that serves as a peer-review system. The application allows students to submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, websites, etc)Expertiza on GitHub Expertiza Wiki Page. It is an open-source project and its codebase is maintained on GitHub. We are contributing to Expertiza as a part of our Object-Oriented Design and Development's Open-Source Software (OSS) Project. Our goal in this project is to refactor the StudentQuiz controller and LatePolicies Controller. In this Wiki Page, we would be explaining the changes that we have made for the same.