CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2020 - E2086. Let course staff as well as students do reviews

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Project Background

  • Expertiza Project - E2086 : Let course staff as well as students do reviews

Primary Goal of this Project

This project aims to allow instructors to submit reviews of student work, using the same review form that students use to do reviews

Files Involved




Project Team Member

  • Chenwei Zhou (czhou6)
  • Tianrui Wang (twang33)
  • Zhuolin Li(zli82)
  • Hao Zhang (hzhang62)

Project Design Philosophy

Our project aims at enabling the instructor/TA to review the submissions using the same form that a student uses while peer-reviewing. For this, our implementation has been divided into 3 parts, and can be described as follows:

  1. The first part involves the primary functionality of letting the staff perform a review on students submission.
  2. The second part involves allowing the students to identify from their end, which review has been performed by an instructor/TA. This will help students improve their project as the opinions presented by a staff member would be valid.
  3. Third, we plan to enable the instructor/TA to do review instead of assign grade in the review round. After the review Round, the review review session will be closed and replaced with assigning grade interface


Methods need to be fixed

Test Plan

Refactor & Code Modification

Running Tests

  rspec spec/models/response_spec.rb

Rspec Test Cases

Reference & Links

Previous Implementation

This project was done by Team E1985 on Fall 2019 with the following work:

Expertiza wiki:

Github Pull Request:

Github repository:

Youtube screencast:

Comments From Mentor

  • Code for testing whether a reviewer is a staff member is put into an unrelated class (same method already exists elsewhere in system).
  • There is a long code clone because the process of creating a mapping and a review is not quite the same as when the reviewer is a non-instructor; a lot of checks needed in that case are not needed here. But the current code should have been refactored to put the common code into another method.
  • One test has been removed because it broke the build, & was evid. unrelated to their functionality.
  • The commit was too messy; if this had been merged, it would have required refactoring.

for more information about this project, please visit Project Lists