CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - E1992. Add cake type to rubrics design

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Revision as of 01:07, 12 November 2019 by Akariya (talk | contribs)
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Database Design Below is the simplified version of the ER diagram which displays the relationships between the entity sets.


Relevant Tables

Proposed Code Changes

Edit questionnaire/_questionnaire.html.erb: Add Cake to the list question types

Create cake.rb model that inherits from ScoredQuestion model. Add method to calculate currently added weights of the cake to this model.

Edit questionnaires_controller.rb, under “add_new_questions” method, adding a cake type and handle the changes.

Edit assignments/edit/_review_strategy.html.erb and add ‘Allow teammate self-review’ to the list of options.

Edit student_teams/view and add reviewer to list of displayed teammates and mark that item as self review in the view.

Edit response/response.html.erb and add cake type questions to the displayed response.

Edit response/view.html.erb and add cake type questions to the displayed response.