CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2019 - E1964. Export review scores for projects

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E1964. Export review scores for projects

This page provides a description of the Expertiza website(1) project undertaken for OSS component in Object Oriented Design and Development.

About Expertiza

Expertiza GitHub source code(2) is an Open Source project based on Ruby on Rails framework. It is a software to create renewable learning projects through peer reviews and continuous assessments. It enables group projects and project submissions via URLs and wiki pages as well. It is supported by the National Science Foundation.

Problem Statement / Motivation

This project aims to easily handle review score exporting for instructor and TAs, when they try to export scores from Expertiza to WebAssign website(3). Currently, no such option exists to export scores so that it can be later uploaded to WebAssign efficiently.

Tasks Identified

All tasks pertaining to the completion of the project have been listed out here as follows:

  • A new button is to be added to export scores. All functionality to be handled will be taken care of using VanillaJS.
  • TODO
  • Files modified:



  • Diagrammatic representation
  • Code snippets
  • Screenshot of website changes
  • Optional: screen-recording of working case


  1. Here is the link to a screen recording on how to access the functionality and export the CSV file.

Code and Snapshots

We have written two methods inside _review_report.html.erb named exportTableToCSV and downloadCSV which are as follows:

function downloadCSV(csv, filename) {
var csvFile;
var downloadLink;

// CSV file
csvFile = new Blob([csv], {type: "text/csv"});

// Download link
downloadLink = document.createElement("a");

// File name = filename;

// Create a link to the file
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvFile);

// Hide download link = "none";

// Add the link to DOM

// Click download link;
	function exportTableToCSV(filename) {
		var csv = [];
		var rows = document.querySelector("table#myTable").rows;
		var row = [];
		row = setHeaderForCSV();
		for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
			var row = [];
			reviewer_name = "\"" + rows[i].querySelector("td span.rname").innerHTML + "\"";
			reviewer_unityid = rows[i].querySelector("td a.runityID").innerHTML;
			reviewer_emailid = reviewer_unityid + "";
			reviewer_grade = rows[i].querySelector("input#grade_for_reviewer").value;
			reviewer_comment = "\"" + rows[i].querySelector("textarea#comment_for_reviewer").innerHTML.replace(/"/g,"\'") + "\"";

    // Call Download CSV file function here
    downloadCSV(csv.join("\n"), filename);


TODO: Rspec test cases were written with the help of Cucumber and Capybara.


The aim of our project was to implement exporting of review scores from Expertiza software. To accomplish this, we shall advance by using the delegation pattern to add exporting capabilities to the " <TODO:> export file controller " for exporting review scores.


Mentor: Harsh Agrawal

  • Yash Thakkar (yrthakka)
  • Pururaj Dave (pdave2)
  • Maharshi Parekh (mgparekh)


TODO: Add all references by number.

  1. Expertiza website
  2. Expertiza GitHub source code
  3. WebAssign website
  4. Wiki Expertiza project documentation
  5. Rspec Documentation