Spring2019 E1907 refactor response controller

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Revision as of 23:23, 29 March 2019 by Mblewall (talk | contribs)
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Expertiza is an open source webapp that was built on Ruby on Rails stack. It provides a platform to students with various features like peer-reviewing projects, submitting work, form teams, viewing grades, etc. The project is maintained by students and faculty at NCSU.

Project Summary

The file response_controller.rb handles the operations on responses based on user permissions. The user is redirected to the appropriate place on Expertiza after the action is complete. The responses are from the completion of peer reviews and questionnaires. The controller takes care of tasks such as creating, saving, editing, updating and deleting these responses.

Tasks accomplished

1. Renamed edit_allowed function to view_allowed in the response_controller.rb file

2. Moved the pending_surveys function to survey_deployment_controller.rb

Made changes in the following files and folders:

  • app/controllers/response_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/survey_deployment_controller.rb
  • config/routes.rb
  • spec/controllers/respose_controller_spec.rb
  • Moved pending_surveys.html.erb from views/response to views/survey_deployment

3. Removed assign_instance_vars section as it was not needed and combined in Edit and New sections

Original assign_instance_vars method :-

def assign_instance_vars
    case params[:action]
    when 'edit'
      @header = 'Edit'
      @next_action = 'update'
      @response = Response.find(params[:id])
      @map = @response.map
      @contributor = @map.contributor
    when 'new'
      @header = 'New'
      @next_action = 'create'
      @feedback = params[:feedback]
      @map = ResponseMap.find(params[:id])
      @modified_object = @map.id
    @return = params[:return]

Moved the assign_instance_vars for the Edit action to the edit method.

  def edit
    # instance variables for Edit action
    @header = 'Edit'
    @next_action = 'update'
    @response = Response.find(params[:id])
    @map = @response.map
    @contributor = @map.contributor
    @prev = Response.where(map_id: @map.id)
    @review_scores = @prev.to_a
    if @prev.present?
      @sorted = @review_scores.sort {|m1, m2| m1.version_num.to_i && m2.version_num.to_i ? m2.version_num.to_i <=>  
m1.version_num.to_i : (m1.version_num ? -1 : 1) }
      @largest_version_num = @sorted[0]
    @modified_object = @response.response_id
    # set more handy variables for the view
    @review_scores = []
    @questions.each do |question|
      @review_scores << Answer.where(response_id: @response.response_id, <br> question_id: question.id).first
    @questionnaire = set_questionnaire
    render action: 'response'

Moved assign_instance_vars for the New action inside the new method : -

def new
    # instance variable for New action
    @header = 'New'
    @next_action = 'create'
    @feedback = params[:feedback]
    @map = ResponseMap.find(params[:id])
    @modified_object = @map.id
    @stage = @assignment.get_current_stage(SignedUpTeam.topic_id(@participant.parent_id, @participant.user_id)) if @assignment
      team = AssignmentTeam.find(@map.reviewee_id)
    @response = Response.where(map_id: @map.id, round: @current_round.to_i).order(updated_at: :desc).first
    if @response.nil? || team.most_recent_submission.updated_at > @response.updated_at
      @response = Response.create(map_id: @map.id, additional_comment: '', round: @current_round, is_submitted: 0)
    questions = sort_questions(@questionnaire.questions)
    render action: 'response'

4. Removed was_submitted. Changed to previously_submitted in the in create method.

5. Added comments in private methods

6. Introduced temporary explaining variables in the redirect method

Test Plan

Because of moving the pending_surveys method, some of the original spec tests failed. So we fixed it.

context 'when params[:return] is survey' do
     it 'redirects to survey_deployment#pending_surveys page' do
       @params[:return] = 'survey'
       get :redirect, @params
       expect(response).to redirect_to('/survey_deployment/pending_surveys')
   context 'when params[:return] is other content' do
     it 'redirects to student_review#list page' do
       @params[:return] = 'other'
       get :redirect, @params
       expect(response).to redirect_to('/student_review/list?id=1')

Code Climate and Travis CI

There are only cyclomatic , cognitive errors with code climate whereas there are no integration errors with Travis CI


1. The pull request for this task can be viewed at: https://github.com/expertiza/expertiza/pull/1383

2. GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Anusha-Godavarthi/expertiza

3. Team Branches: https://github.com/Anusha-Godavarthi/expertiza/branches

4. Expertiza Main Repo https://github.com/expertiza/expertiza

5. Expertiza Documentation http://wiki.expertiza.ncsu.edu/index.php/Main_Page

Team Members

1. Anusha Godavarithi

2. Michael Lewallen

3. Akhil Pabba