CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2018/E1866 Expertiza Internationalization

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Jonathan Gill (

Hasham Mukhtar (

Abhilasha Saini (

Reddy Aravind Karnam Ganesh (

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Project Description

Currently Expertiza only supports creating courses in the English language. Many Expertiza users are from other countries. We aim to allow instructors to create courses in other languages. This will be done by internationalizing static strings in Expertiza to another language (ex: Hindi or Chinese). Instructors will have the ability to change the language for a course in the Edit Course page through a dropdown. We will not be affecting any strings that are dynamically shown.

Project Design

Technical Design

Allowing instructor to change language for a course

  • We will add a language column to the Courses Table.
  • We will add a dropdown of languages to the Edit Course page for an instructor to use.
  • Below is what we expect to have it look:

Internationalizing Static Strings
