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Revision as of 00:31, 23 April 2018 by Smishra4 (talk | contribs)
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Name Datatype Description
id int(11) Primary key of the entry in table, auto increments by default
name varchar(255) User name of the respective user
crypted_password varchar(40) Password of the respective user
role_id int(11) Role which this user corresponds to FK into ROLES table
password_salt varchar(255)
fullname varchar(255) Registered full name of the user
email varchar(255) Registered email of the respective user.
parent_id int(11) Parent of the respective user; correspond to the ID which created this particular user
private_by_default tinyint(1) If the user is private by default; essentially Boolean
mru_directory_path varchar(128) Default home directory of the respective user
email_on_review tiny_int(1) If the user is emailed on receiving a review; essentially Boolean
email_on_submission tiny_int(1) If emailed on submission; essentially Boolean
email_on_review_of_review tiny_int(1) Whether to email on receiving review of review; essentially boolean
is_new_user tiny_int(1) If the user is a new user; used to check if user has signed the new user form
master_permssion_granted tiny_int(4) If the user has the master user permission is granted
handle varchar(255) Name of the handle created for the user
digital_certificate mediumtext Digital certificate generated for the user to protect his password
timezonepref varchar(255) Timezone of the user
public_key mediumtext Public key used for data-encryption by user
copy_of_emails tinyint(1) Number of copies of emails sent
institution_id int(11) id of the institution of the user

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