CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018- Project E1820 Review-Comment Tone Analysis Report

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Revision as of 03:14, 9 April 2018 by Vmaktha (talk | contribs)
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Background Info

The basis of this project was to cleanup the table in in view_review_scores_popup_.html.rb. Currently, the table is very simple and unorganized, reducing its readability. There a incomplete table borders, mis-aligned cells, and html tags littered throughout the text. In addition, tabs were added to separate each review round. Another feature that was added was tone analysis of the comments. A colored tone analysis is retrieved from the Peer Logic web service [1], and displayed accordingly. This view was implemented as a pop up as well, showing a tile char visualization depicting points of review on the y-axis, and a color analysis of their review on the x-axis.

Files Modified



Tone Analysis

Peer logic is going to be used to implement tone analysis throughout this project. The peer logic web service is able to provide colored html text based on the tone by sending a POST request of a JSON {“review”: “review comments….”} to an API endpoint[2]. The JSON data that is returned will be used to determine coloration of the cells that are displayed in the popup views as well as in the table.

Design Document

We decided to use the Github Wiki Pages to display our design. You can find it here

The basic layout for our two views are shown below.

"The designed layout of the review_scores_popup.html.erb file. A major change will be the colorized tone analysis for the comments."

"The designed layout of the answer_tagging_report.html.erb file."