CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018 E1815: Improvements to review grader

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Improvements to Review Grader

Introduction. Problem Statement

Outline of Work for Design Improvements

View Review Report Page

- Add metrics charts

In the metrics column, replace the numbers with bar charts. Specifically, horizontal bar charts that aren’t too wide, so they could potentially add more charts in the future. Color coded is ideal. Should be one bar with the average as a line or something (not clear on details here)

- Update alternating background color if sorted

- Right now, the table on this page has alternating background colors to make it easier to read. Issue is, if you change the sorting, the background colors move with the items. So it may not be alternating any more. Needs to be fixed

- Add new color to reviewers if reviewed content has not changed

- On this page, the names of reviewers are sometimes color coded. Add a new color code (green) for reviewers who reviewed content during the first round but not the second, when nothing has changed since the first round

- (Optional): Sort by metric

Review Summary page

The goals are to make the page look better, clear up whitespaces where possible.

- Header - collapse (fix whitespace where possible)

- Add more information such as the reviewer’s name.

- Checkbox questions

- Replace all team members names with just team name

- Comments aren’t allowed, delete that column

- Columns per team, question on left

- Additional comments spanning

- CSS / Style improvements to review scores

- (Stretch goal) Interpret HTML

- Right now, users can type in HTML, but it is not rendered. E.g. if we type <strong>text</strong>, it doesn’t show up bold but it should. Odds are, this is a setting somewhere or a security feature. If it’s not, it may be difficult to implement.