CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2018 E1812

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The project aims to write a unit test for on_the_fly_calc.rb. This model file provides a module for assignments to calculate different kinds of scores when loading the views. However, there was no corresponding unit test and the coverage was only 15.45% after running all test cases.

Tasks to be completed

The OnTheFlyCal module provides 4 publish methods for assignments: compute_total_score, compute_reviews_hash, compute_avg_and_ranges_hash and scores. We need to test all those methods. Privately methods are tested when testing public methods instead of tested directly.

Description of the the module

The compute_total_score method is to compute the total score of a given assignment. The method collects all questionnaires of the assignment and calls the get_weighted_score method of Questionnaire Class to calculate the total score. The get_weighted_score checks the round which the assignment questionnaire has been used and calls the compute_weighted_score method to finish the calculation. As for the symbol, if the questionnaire has never been used, the compute_weight_score just takes the symbol of the questionnaire; if the questionnaire has been used, the symbol is the symbol of the questionnaire plus the round. The compute_weighted_score method takes the symbol and the score to complete the final calculation. The method uses the raw average scores times the weight of the questionnaire and divides by 100.0. If the raw average is nil, it returns zero. The compute_reviews_hash method returns the hash of reviewers. First, the method will check whether the assignment varies rubrics by round and deal with the two cases separately. This procedure is also shared by compute_avg_and_ranges_hash and scores methods because the difference between those two situations is critical. The class method varying_rubrics_by_round? of assignment

Testing plan




