CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2017/E1789 Semester Project

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Improvements to review grader


In expertiza, review report page and summary page give the information for instructors to view the overall review result. Also, they are the place where instructors grade the reviews. Review report page can be accessed via Manager -> Assignment, then click the “View review report” button (the one which has a spyglass and two people). The summary can be accessed through Review Page by clicking “summary” button of a particular student.

The appearances of the two pages are shown below:

For now, there are several defects need to be fixed to optimize the grade procedure:

  • Metrics column is not intuitive enough.
  • The layout of “Review Report Form” in “Summary Page” is unreasonable.
  • Reviewers don’t need to re-review the submissions which are not updated, so there should be a checking mechanism.

Therefore, our tasks are:

  • Visualize Metrics column.
  • Reasonably reorganize the “Review Report Form” in “Summary Page”.
  • Check updates of submissions for reviewers to help them decide if they need to review aga.

2.Visualize Metrics column

2.1.Summary of problems

Metrics column, which is in “Review Report Form”, displays statistic data of words used in particular student’s reviews. This helps graders to value how the student compares with the average student. For now, it displays numerical data in the literal way which is not intuitive. It would be better to have a bar or column chart showing this. Ultimately, we may be showing several metrics in this column, so the bars or charts should be resizable.

2.2Chart design in the metrics

We compare the 1st round and the 2nd round review with their average separately, then compare the overall (Total) with the average. In this way, it will be pretty clear for the grader to checkout how the student performs in the reviews.