CSC 216/s08/wholesome discipline

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Revision as of 18:22, 15 April 2008 by BenBerry (talk | contribs) (Summary of intentions)
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A Primer on Eclipse

Eclipse is a massively powerful tool for writing code, designed by and for power users. What this means is that the guts of operation are very open, and easy, one-click functionality is rare.

One of the consequences of this is the string of configuration screens to be navigated the first time a user boots up a fresh install of Eclipse. Asking tough and difficult questions, such as where the user's JDK ("My what?") is. To help correct this, we are making a video detailing some of the more arcane aspects of using Eclipse.

Not only will we be offering tips to help streamline installation and the initial configuration, but we will also show how to install a common plug-in, an extension of Eclipse built for that same power-using crowd.