CSC/ECE 517 Fall 2017/M1753 OffscreenCanvas API

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M1753 - Implement OffscreenCanvas API

The HTML specification defines a <canvas> element that can use a 2d or 3d rendering context. A new specification was recently developed that defines a canvas that can be used without being associated with an in-page canvas element, allowing for more efficient rendering.

Background Introduction

Servo[1] is a modern web browser engine designed to maximize the benefits of multi-core-based parallel processing. Written in the Rust language, servo was aimed for the application on Android and ARM processors, but now its applicable scope has expanded to Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Android and Firefox OS (also known as Gonk) and other operating systems[2].

Rust Rust is an open source systems programming language developed by Mozilla. Servo is written in Rust. The main purpose behind it's design is to be thread safe and concurrent. The emphasis is also on speed, safety and control of memory layout.

Project Description


Testing Details

Pull Request

Future Work
