CSC/ECE 517 Spring 2017/oss M1706

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Revision as of 00:54, 6 April 2017 by Pdscott2 (talk | contribs)
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This purpose of this project is provide additional testing infrastructure for Mozilla Servo OSS project. "Servo is a project to develop a new Web browser engine. The goal is to create an architecture that takes advantage of parallelism at many levels while eliminating common sources of bugs and security vulnerabilities associated with incorrect memory management and data races." Servo can be used through Browser.html, embedded in a website, or natively in Mozilla Firefox. It is designed to load web pages more efficiently and more securely.

In particular, this project is a request from the Servo OSS project to reduce the impact intermittent test failures have on the software. Intermittent failures frequently occur but are normally ignored during continuous integration. The frequency of each intermittent failure signature, though not currently logged, would be useful in allowing developers to identify and resolved the most prevalent issues.

Tasks to be completed

Current Implementation

UML Diagram

Proposed Design

TASK 1 -

TASK 2 -

Design Pattern Used

Features to be added

Gems to be used

Metrics View

Instructor View

Student View

Testing Plan

Files Changed and Added




Important Links

Link to Github repository :

Link to Pull request :
