E1728. Remove useless partials from grades view and move view logic to grades helper.rb

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This wiki provides details on the refactoring tasks that were undertaken as part of the continuous improvement to the Expertiza project


Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation.

The application provides a complete system through which students and instructors collaborate on the learning objects as well as submit, review and grade assignments for the courses.


By participating in the overall refactoring effort as part of the continuous improvement of Expertiza, students get an opportunity to work on a open source software project. This helps them gain exposure on the technologies used in the project as well as much needed experience in collaborating with peers as part of the software development process.


The tasks involved as part of this refactoring effort were geared towards cleaning up the grade view logic.

Initial Task List

The initial set of tasks were:

  • For files: _scores_author_feedback.html.erb, _scores_metareview.html.erb, _scores_submitted_work.html.erb
  1. Move javascript code to assets
  • For files: _scores_header.html.erb
  1. Move logical code (such as L43-96) to helper file and assign self-explanatory method name
  • For files: _participant.html.erb, view_team.html.erb
  1. Move javascript code to assets
  2. Move logical code to helper file and assign self-explanatory method name
  3. Such as L8-22 in _participant.html.erb
  • Create test file named grades_helper_spec.rb in spec/helpers
  • Write test cases for all methods in grades_helper.rb

Revised Task List

On working with files _scores_author_feedback.html.erb, _scores_metareview.html.erb, _scores_submitted_work.html.erb, _scores_header.html.erb, the team came to find out that these files were not being used anymore in the application and the overall tasks were updated to the following:

  • Remove useless partials from grades view, such as _scores_author_feedback.html.erb, _scores_metareview.html.erb, _scores_submitted_work.html.erb, _scores_header.html.erb, etc.
  • For files _participant.html.erb, view_team.html.erb to grades_helper.rb
  1. Move javascript code to assets
  2. Move logical code to helper file and assign self-explanatory method name such as L8-22 in _participant.html.erb
  • Create test file named grades_helper_spec.rb in spec/helpers
  • Write test cases for all methods in grades_helper.rb by using factories

Refactoring Tasks

Remove useless partials from grades view, such as _scores_author_feedback.html.erb, _scores_metareview.html.erb, _scores_submitted_work.html.erb, _scores_header.html.erb, etc.

The named files were removed from the project and the deletions were committed to the repository

For files _participant.html.erb, view_team.html.erb to grades_helper.rb

Move javascript code to assets

A new file was created and added to the project: app/assets/javascripts/grades/view_team.js

For the view_team.html.erb file, the javascript code was moved to view_team.js


$(function () {

var lesser = false;
// Function to sort the columns based on the total review score
function col_sort(m) {
    lesser = !lesser
    // Swaps two columns of the table
    jQuery.moveColumn = function (table, from, to) {
        var rows = jQuery('tr', table);

        var hidden_child_row = table.find('tr.tablesorter-childRow');

        hidden_child_row.each(function () {
            inner_table = jQuery(this).find('table.tbl_questlist')
            hidden_table = inner_table.eq(0).find('tr')

            hidden_table.eq(from - 1).detach().insertBefore(hidden_table.eq(to - 1));
            if (from - to > 1) {
                hidden_table.eq(to - 1).detach().insertAfter((hidden_table.eq(from - 2)));



        var cols;
        rows.each(function () {
            cols = jQuery(this).children('th, td');
            if (from - to > 1) {
                cols.eq(to).detach().insertAfter((cols.eq(from - 1)));


    // Gets all the table with the class "tbl_heat"
    var tables = $("table.tbl_heat");
    // Get all the rows with the class accordion-toggle
    var tbr = tables.eq(m).find('tr.accordion-toggle');
    // Get the cells from the last row of the table
    var columns = tbr.eq(tbr.length - 1).find('td');
    // Init an array to hold the review total
    var sum_array = [];
    // iterate through the rows and calculate the total of each review
    for (var l = 2; l < columns.length - 2; l++) {
        var total = 0;
        for (var n = 0; n < tbr.length; n++) {
            var row_slice = tbr.eq(n).find('td');
            if (parseInt(row_slice[l].innerHTML) > 0) {
                total = total + parseInt(row_slice[l].innerHTML)

    // The sorting algorithm
    for (var i = 3; i < columns.length - 2; i++) {
        var j = i;
        while (j > 2 && compare(sum_array[j - 2], sum_array[j - 3], lesser)) {
            var tmp
            tmp = sum_array[j - 3]
            sum_array[j - 3] = sum_array[j - 2]
            sum_array[j - 2] = tmp
            jQuery.moveColumn($("table.tbl_heat").eq(m), j, j - 1);
            // This part is repeated since the table is updated
            tables = $("table.tbl_heat")
            tbr = tables.eq(m).find('tr.accordion-toggle');
            columns = tbr.eq(tbr.length - 1).find('td')
            j = j - 1;


// Function to return boolean based on lesser or greater operator
function compare(a, b, less) {
    if (less) {
        return a < b
    } else {
        return a > b

Move logical code to helper file and assign self-explanatory method name such as L8-22 in _participant.html.erb

The following lines of code were removed

participant = pscore[:participant]
    if pscore[:review]
    if pscore[:metareview]
    if pscore[:feedback]
    if pscore[:teammate]

and converted to properties in the GradesHelper module defined in the app/helpers/grades_helper.rb file

  def participant
    @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])

  def rscore_review
     @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])
     @pscore = @participant.scores(@questions)
     if @pscore[:review]

  def rscore_metareview
     @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])
     @pscore = @participant.scores(@questions)
     if @pscore[:metareview]

  def rscore_feedback
     @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])
     @pscore = @participant.scores(@questions)
     if @pscore[:feedback]

  def rscore_teammate
     @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])
     @pscore = @participant.scores(@questions)
     if @pscore[:teammate]

  def p_total_score
     @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])
     @pscore = @participant.scores(@questions)
     if @participant.grade
         @total_score = participant.grade
             @total_score = @pscore[:total_score]

  def p_title
     @participant = Participant.find(params[:id])
     if @participant.grade
         @title = "A score in blue indicates that the value was overwritten by the instructor or teaching assistant."
             @title = nil

The following lines of code in the _participant.html.erb file were also replaced to use the above properties created

Original Replacement
<% if !@rscore_review.nil? && @rscore_review.my_avg %>
<% if !rscore_review.nil? && rscore_review.my_avg %>
<%= @rscore_review.my_avg.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.2f",@rscore_review.my_avg): @rscore_review.my_avg %>%<BR/>
<%= rscore_review.my_avg.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.2f",rscore_review.my_avg): rscore_review.my_avg %>%<BR/>
<%= @rscore_review.my_min.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_review.my_min): @rscore_review.my_min %>% - <%= @rscore_review.my_max.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_review.my_max): @rscore_review.my_max %>%
<%= rscore_review.my_min.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_review.my_min): rscore_review.my_min %>% - <%= rscore_review.my_max.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_review.my_max): rscore_review.my_max %>%
<% if @rscore_metareview && @rscore_metareview.my_avg %>
	<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= @rscore_metareview.my_avg.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.2f",@rscore_metareview.my_avg):@rscore_metareview.my_avg %>%
<% if rscore_metareview && rscore_metareview.my_avg %>
	<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= rscore_metareview.my_avg.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.2f",rscore_metareview.my_avg):rscore_metareview.my_avg %>%
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= @rscore_metareview.my_min.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_metareview.my_min):@rscore_metareview.my_min %>% - <%= @rscore_metareview.my_max.is_a?(Float)?sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_metareview.my_max):@rscore_metareview.my_max %>%
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= rscore_metareview.my_min.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_metareview.my_min):rscore_metareview.my_min %>% - <%= rscore_metareview.my_max.is_a?(Float)?sprintf("%.0f",rscore_metareview.my_max):rscore_metareview.my_max %>%
<% if !@rscore_feedback.nil? && @rscore_feedback.my_avg %>
	<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= @rscore_feedback.my_avg.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.2f",@rscore_feedback.my_avg): @rscore_feedback.my_avg %>%
<% if !rscore_feedback.nil? && rscore_feedback.my_avg %>
	<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= rscore_feedback.my_avg.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.2f",rscore_feedback.my_avg): rscore_feedback.my_avg %>%
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= @rscore_feedback.my_min.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_feedback.my_min): @rscore_feedback.my_min %>% - <%= @rscore_feedback.my_max.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_feedback.my_max):@rscore_feedback.my_max %>%
<TD ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"><%= rscore_feedback.my_min.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_feedback.my_min): rscore_feedback.my_min %>% - <%= rscore_feedback.my_max.is_a?(Float)? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_feedback.my_max):rscore_feedback.my_max %>%
<% if @rscore_teammate and @rscore_teammate.my_avg %>
<% if rscore_teammate and rscore_teammate.my_avg %>
<% range =  @rscore_teammate.my_min.is_a?(Float) ? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_teammate.my_min) : @rscore_teammate.my_min.to_s + '%' + ' - ' %>
<% range += @rscore_teammate.my_max.is_a?(Float) ? sprintf("%.0f",@rscore_teammate.my_max) : @rscore_teammate.my_max.to_s + '%' %>
<% range =  rscore_teammate.my_min.is_a?(Float) ? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_teammate.my_min) : rscore_teammate.my_min.to_s + '%' + ' - ' %>
<% range += rscore_teammate.my_max.is_a?(Float) ? sprintf("%.0f",rscore_teammate.my_max) : rscore_teammate.my_max.to_s + '%' %>
<% if participant.grade %>
	<% total_score = participant.grade %>
	<% title = "A score in blue indicates that the value was overwritten by the instructor or teaching assistant." %>
 <% else %>
	<% total_score = pscore[:total_score] %>
	<% title = nil %>
<% end %>
<div <% if title %>title="<%=title%>" style="color:#0033FF"<% end %>><%= total_score==(-1)? "N/A": sprintf("%.2f",total_score) %><%= score_postfix %></div>
<div <% if p_title %>title="<%=p_title%>" style="color:#0033FF"<% end %>><%= p_total_score==(-1)? "N/A": sprintf("%.2f",p_total_score) %><%= score_postfix %></div>
<% if !@rscore_review.nil? && @rscore_review.my_avg %>
	<%= @rscore_review.my_avg.is_a?(Float)?sprintf("%.2f",@rscore_review.my_avg):@rscore_review.my_avg %><%= score_postfix %>
<% if !rscore_review.nil? && rscore_review.my_avg %>
	<%= rscore_review.my_avg.is_a?(Float)?sprintf("%.2f",rscore_review.my_avg):rscore_review.my_avg %><%= score_postfix %>

Create test file named grades_helper_spec.rb in spec/helpers

A new test file was created and added to the project: spec/helpers/grades_helper_spec.rb

Write test cases for all methods in grades_helper.rb by using factories

The following test cases were added to test all methods in grades_helper.rb

require 'rails_helper'

describe GradesHelper, :type => :helper do
  before(:each) do
    @assignment = create(:assignment, max_team_size: 1)
    @deadline_type = create(:deadline_type, id: 5, name: 'metareview')
    @deadline_right = create(:deadline_right)

  describe 'get_accordion_title' do
    it 'should render is_first:true if last_topic is nil' do
      get_accordion_title(nil, 'last question')
      expect(response).to render_template(partial: 'response/_accordion', locals: {title: 'last question', is_first: true})
    it 'should render is_first:false if last_topic is not equal to next_topic' do
      get_accordion_title('last question', 'next question')
      expect(response).to render_template(partial: 'response/_accordion', locals: {title: 'next question', is_first: false})
    it 'should render nothing if last_topic is equal to next_topic' do
      get_accordion_title('question', 'question')
      expect(response).to render_template(nil)

  describe 'has_team_and_metareview?' do
    it 'should correctly identify the assignment from an assignment id' do
      params[:id] = @assignment.id
      result = Assignment.find(params[:id])
      expect(result).to eq(@assignment)
    it 'should correctly identify the assignment from a participant id' do
      participant = create(:participant, assignment: @assignment)
      params[:id] = participant.id
      result = Participant.find(params[:id]).parent_id
      expect(result).to eq(@assignment.id)
    it 'should return 0 for an assignment without a team or a metareview deadline after a view action' do
      params[:action] = 'view'
      params[:id] = @assignment.id
      result = has_team_and_metareview?
      expect(result).to be == {has_team: false, has_metareview: false, true_num: 0}
    it 'should return 1 for an assignment with a team but no metareview deadline after a view action' do
      @assignment.max_team_size = 2
      params[:action] = 'view'
      params[:id] = @assignment.id
      result = has_team_and_metareview?
      expect(result).to be == {has_team: true, has_metareview: false, true_num: 1}
    it 'should return 1 for an assignment without a team but with a metareview deadline after a view action' do
      @assignment.max_team_size = 1
      @assignment_due_date = create(:assignment_due_date, assignment: @assignment, deadline_type: @deadline_type,
        submission_allowed_id: @deadline_right.id, review_allowed_id: @deadline_right.id,
        review_of_review_allowed_id: @deadline_right.id, due_at: '2015-12-30 23:30:12')

      params[:action] = 'view'
      params[:id] = @assignment.id
      result = has_team_and_metareview?
      expect(result).to be == {has_team: false, has_metareview: true, true_num: 1}
    it 'should return 2 for an assignment without a team but with a metareview after a view action' do
      @assignment.max_team_size = 3
      @assignment_due_date = create(:assignment_due_date, assignment: @assignment, deadline_type: @deadline_type,
        submission_allowed_id: @deadline_right.id, review_allowed_id: @deadline_right.id,
        review_of_review_allowed_id: @deadline_right.id, due_at: '2015-12-30 23:30:12')

      params[:action] = 'view'
      params[:id] = @assignment.id
      result = has_team_and_metareview?
      expect(result).to be == {has_team: true, has_metareview: true, true_num: 2}

  describe 'participant' do
    it 'should return the correct particpant' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = participant()
      expect(result).to eq(new_participant)

  describe 'rscore_review' do
    it 'should return a record of type :review if available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_review()
      expect(result).to_not be_nil
    it 'should return nil if no record of type :review is available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:metareview_questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_review()
      expect(result).to be_nil

  describe 'rscore_metareview' do
    it 'should return a record of type :metareview if available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:metareview_questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_metareview()
      expect(result).to_not be_nil
    it 'should return nil if no record of type :metareview is available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_metareview()
      expect(result).to be_nil

  describe 'rscore_feedback' do
    it 'should return a record of type :feedback if available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:author_feedback_questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_feedback()
      expect(result).to_not be_nil
    it 'should return nil if no record of type :feedback is available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_feedback()
      expect(result).to be_nil

  describe 'rscore_teammate' do
    it 'should return a record of type :teammate if available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:teammate_review_questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_teammate()
      expect(result).to_not be_nil
    it 'should return nil if no record of type :teammate is available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = rscore_teammate()
      expect(result).to be_nil

  describe 'p_total_score' do
    it 'should return the grade if available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant, grade: 90)
      questionnaire = create(:questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = p_total_score()
      expect(result).to eq(90)
    it 'should return :total_score if no grade is available' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      questionnaire = create(:questionnaire)
      assignment_questionnaire = create(:assignment_questionnaire, user_id: new_participant.id, questionnaire: questionnaire)
      @questions = {}
      @questions[questionnaire.symbol] = questionnaire.questions
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = p_total_score()
      expect(result).to eq(0)

  describe 'p_title' do
    it 'should return a title when the participant has a grade' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      new_participant.grade = 90
      result = p_title()
      expect(result).to eq('A score in blue indicates that the value was overwritten by the instructor or teaching assistant.')
    it 'should return nil when the participant has no grade' do
      new_participant = create(:participant)
      params[:id] = new_participant.id
      result = p_title()
      expect(result).to eq(nil)

  describe 'get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation' do
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of -0.1' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(-0.1)
      expect(result).to be == 'c1'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(0)
      expect(result).to be == 'c1'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0.5' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(0.5)
      expect(result).to be == 'c2'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 1' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(1)
      expect(result).to be == 'c2'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 1.5' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(1.5)
      expect(result).to be == 'c3'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 2' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(2)
      expect(result).to be == 'c4'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 2.1' do
      result = get_css_style_for_hamer_reputation(2.1)
      expect(result).to be == 'c5'

  describe 'get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation' do
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of -0.1' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(-0.1)
      expect(result).to be == 'c1'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(0)
      expect(result).to be == 'c1'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0.2' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(0.2)
      expect(result).to be == 'c2'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0.4' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(0.4)
      expect(result).to be == 'c2'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0.6' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(0.6)
      expect(result).to be == 'c3'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0.8' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(0.8)
      expect(result).to be == 'c4'
    it 'should return correct css for a reputation of 0.9' do
      result = get_css_style_for_lauw_reputation(0.9)
      expect(result).to be == 'c5'

Test Plans

Test Case 1
Test URL http://csc517.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com:8080
Test Type Functional
Scenario Test to see if javascript changes for view_team.html.erb are working

Make sure student to test with has the following:

  1. Has one course assigned
  2. Has one assigned as part of that course
  3. Has more than one review for that assignment
  1. Login to the site as a student2064
  2. Click on "Assignments" on the top menu
  3. Select an assignment from the list
  4. On the "Submit or Review work for Expertiza" screen, click on "Alternate View" on the "Your Scores" line item
  5. On the "Summary Report for assignment" screen, test if the "Sort by total review score" button works and doesn't throw any javascript errors
Test Execution using existing login
  1. Login as "student2064"
  2. Click on "Assignments" on the top menu
  3. Select assignment "OSS project" from the list
  4. On the "Submit or Review work for OSS project" screen, click on "Alternate View" on the "Your Scores" line item
  5. On the "Summary Report for assignment" screen, test if the "Sort by total review score" button works and doesn't throw any javascript errors
Test Case 2
Test Type Functional
Scenario Test _participant.html.erb to ensure it is working after refactoring logic code
  1. Has one course assigned
  2. Has one assignment as part of that course
  3. Has more than one review for that assignment
  1. Login to Expertiza
  2. Click on "Assignments" on the top menu
  3. Select an assignment from the list
  4. On the "Submit or Review work for OSS project" screen, click on "Your Scores"
  5. On the "Score for OSS Project" screen, ensure that the scores are loaded correctly.
Test Execution using existing login
  1. Login as "student2064"
  2. Click on "Assignments" on the top menu
  3. Select assignment "OSS project" from the list
  4. On the "Submit or Review work for OSS project" screen, click on "Your Scores"
  5. On the "Score for OSS Project" screen, ensure that the scores are loaded correctly.
  6. Averages should be 99.2, 90, and 60 for Submitted Work, Reviewing, and Author Feedback, respectively.
  7. The Final Score should be 99.2%.